January 2020

Auto Stuck in Flood Waters

Why Isn’t Anyone Talking to You About Your Flood-Damaged Car?

Every year, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration releases quarterly updates on the socio-economic burden that weather disasters cost the nation. 2019 was not any better than the previous years. In the last 2019 update, they highlighted that the country incurred losses of over $45 billion in property and infrastructure. That is not to mention

Why Isn’t Anyone Talking to You About Your Flood-Damaged Car? Read More »

Selling a house concept

The Springtime Market: Buying in the Busiest Season in Real Estate

Time flies so fast. It feels just like yesterday when the holidays gave us some downtime in real estate, and now, spring is fast approaching. Historically, spring is known to be the busiest and most competitive buying season in real estate. If you’re looking at buying a home in April, you have to start preparing

The Springtime Market: Buying in the Busiest Season in Real Estate Read More »

business planning

5 Ways Outsourcing Can Help You Achieve Your Small Business’s Goals

Starting a small business is full of benefits and risks. It can get overwhelming, especially if you think of everything you need to do to establish, maintain and improve your business. Asking for a hand, however, is never a bad idea, especially for new business owners. Outsourcing some of your business processes can ensure that

5 Ways Outsourcing Can Help You Achieve Your Small Business’s Goals Read More »


A Guide to Manufacturing: How to Turn Your Own Product Design into Reality

Nowadays, it is easier to find an overseas supplier that can provide the product you want to sell to customers. Many business owners go this route because the production is cheaper if you partner with factories based in East Asia. However, if you want to build your product from the ground up, here are the

A Guide to Manufacturing: How to Turn Your Own Product Design into Reality Read More »

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