Why Isn’t Anyone Talking to You About Your Flood-Damaged Car?

Every year, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration releases quarterly updates on the socio-economic burden that weather disasters cost the nation. 2019 was not any better than the previous years.

In the last 2019 update, they highlighted that the country incurred losses of over $45 billion in property and infrastructure. That is not to mention how much it cost the affected counties and individuals in health bills from these climate-related disasters.

And, that has been the case year after year, that it exposes almost everyone and every industry to storm damages. Sometimes, the losses from a single storm hit a ceiling-high that it takes funding from the Federal Reserve to get counties back on their feet.

The costliest of these are tropical cyclones, among which hurricanes Katrina and Harvey top this list. So, whether these disasters will strike home someday, which for you it probably already has, is not the issue here.

What you should be looking at is how best to prepare for such a disaster, and to salvage your property from the flood and mold damage in Denver.

So much talk?

You have heard and read much about mold damage remediation and flood damage restoration to houses and infrastructure. Even your realtor mentioned it when you were considering buying that property in Denver, and so did your lawyer and mortgage provider.

The above statistics are not even any of your concerns right now. It is okay that your vehicle is your main concern at the moment; but, you notice that hardly is anyone hitting this nail on its head. So, here it is: What exactly is your situation right now? What is the extent of the water damage to your car?

How deep, and for how long has your car been in the floodwater? You haven’t yet run the car’s engine, right? And, does your vehicle insurance cover flood damage? If you haven’t yet, think through the above questions as you read on.

You will better understand your position in salvaging your car from the recent or the next flood damage.

A candid conversation

man washing a car

Whether your car is beyond salvaging, it is dependent on many factors. What is the most crucial here, however, is ensuring you take the least time in restoring your car from the damage. Clearing out the water and mud immediately you can access your vehicle will reduce the rate of rust and corrosion, and chances of mold development.

Honestly, unless you plan to rebuild your car, it is of no use salvaging if it has been under floodwater for weeks, and there is extensive damage from mold, corrosion, and rust.

What is salvageable?

If you already have consulted competent flood damage and mold remediation service providers in Denver, they must have mentioned to you the few repair options to consider. Yes, fixing the exterior is nothing to worry you overmuch.

If they have good quality service centers, the flood damage restoration services can even recover most of your car’s interior. But, if the sensors and other electrical and electronic systems have sustained extensive damage, expect expensive problems to recur over time.

In such a condition, your best bet is working with your flood damage restoration professional to negotiate with your insurance provider for new parts or another car.

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