March 2021


Better Roads: How the Global Pandemic Reshaped Auto Sales

There’s good news to be heard for car dealerships and other similar businesses. Auto sales are remaining strong, and this trajectory is expected to continue well within the year. It’s probably going to be a good year for people in the auto industry, especially if everything goes well with the vaccine rollout. Cracks in the […]

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landscaping with pond

Increasing Your Landscaping Business’s Bottom Line

Today’s biggest and most successful landscaping companies have around 15% to 20% of their annual revenue in cash, allowing them to manage daily operations with ease. It is a massive portion of the overall bottom line. That’s why managing money efficiently is crucial in keeping your business alive. The tips mentioned can help you improve your bottom

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business concept

Business Booms in 2021: Products and Services That Are on the Rise

The year 2021 can be considered a year of recovery after the disastrous year before. Different opportunities and potentially lucrative ventures have appeared due to the new demand and market. Here are just some of the many rising business options open for you. Online Products and Services If you’re looking to start small, the online

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How Office Temperatures Can Affect Workplace Productivity

Have you ever experienced feeling sluggish when your workplace is too hot? How about feeling distracted when it’s too cold? You may not have noticed, but productivity can be affected by your office’s temperature. After all, your workplace’s environment is a massive factor in whether you and your staff perform in their best condition. Remember

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Starting a Successful Fragrance Business: Pointers to Note

Research says that COVID-19 related stress among Americans has been reaching its peak in the past few months. Experts call what we are experiencing a “collective trauma”—and trauma has been defined as damage to our psyche caused by tragic, painful, and distressing events beyond our control. This is why people have been looking for various

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video call during the pandemic

Starting a Business during the Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities

To be an entrepreneur is not a walk in the park. Add a global pandemic, and it becomes even more challenging. The uncertainty and the instability of the current times make starting businesses feel like a high-risk gamble. This might be the case, but this is perhaps the best time to start a business for most

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restaurant owner

Why It’s Crucial to Prioritize Quality in Running a Business

Impressing clients have always been one of the most crucial steps in running a business. It’s one of the basic strategies that help brands grow and survive. No wonder various business owners try their best to implement strategies that will allow them to attract and retain customers. If you are also interested in growing your

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