The Springtime Market: Buying in the Busiest Season in Real Estate

Time flies so fast. It feels just like yesterday when the holidays gave us some downtime in real estate, and now, spring is fast approaching.

Historically, spring is known to be the busiest and most competitive buying season in real estate. If you’re looking at buying a home in April, you have to start preparing for it as early as now.

Talk to real estate agents.

One of the main things that make a successful real estate transaction is working with the right real estate agent and neighborhood specialist. These people are more knowledgable and have extensive experience in dealing with properties in several neighborhoods and communities.

Interview agents and find out when the best time to buy is, what recommendations they have in light of the things you are looking for, and what steps you have to take to close the deal.

Get a preapproved letter from the bank.

It is important to get preapproved by one of the local lenders where you plan to move. Getting preapproval letters from local lenders, banks, credit unions, and mortgage brokers give you an advantage over the ones that have online or out-of-town lender approvals.

Make a game plan.

Once you have the right agent and have made initial contact with a local lender, it’s time to make a game plan. Craft a strategy with your agent on how to best go about the situation. The best agents usually take time to go over the present market conditions and go over statistics that will help you make a well-informed decision.

It is best if you focus on the house and not the owner or the seller. Direct all your attention and energy to location. Top agents who are well-known and highly-respected that have extensive familiarity with an area are a plus for you. Listen to what they have to say and balance things out from there.

Check out the properties you’re interested in.

Make a list of what you’re looking for in a home and start checking out prospective properties recommended by your agent.

Are you looking for a house with a big garden space in Montana? Do you want a house with a pool in the backyard in New Hampshire? Perhaps, you’re looking for a property with a spacious deck and retractable awning in Boston?

Consider the location and community of the property. Is it accessible to different public facilities? Is the neighborhood conducive to raising a family? Make a list of all you are looking for and give them to your agent so he or she can start scouting for properties that fit your preference.

Make an offer on the house you want.

Once you have narrowed down your list to a particular property, get to know it a little bit more. Ask about the house’s maintenance history and how it looks like in different seasons to find out how much curb appeal you will have.

Ask your agent to talk to you about the comparative market analysis to help you determine how much is the house’s current fair market value. Set an appointment with the owner and make an offer for the home. Negotiate and see if you and the seller can come to a settlement that is favorable for both parties.

Prepare your family for the move.

A neighborhood

Once the deal has been sealed, prepare the house and your family for the move. If there are home improvements that you want to be done on your new property, start talking to contractors and suppliers and find out when the task will be finished.

The spring real estate market will vary depending on the location. What’s important is you are prepared for whatever situation you face in your prospective place. Coming into this season well-prepared can take off a huge load of stress from home shopping in spring.

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