Many of us work hard to have money for adventures. In a recent study among millennials, it was proven that they opt to buy into experiences rather than material things. At the top of this list is traveling.

Though sometimes, aside from the monetary and documentation requirements, simply getting time off work can be tricky. If you do get the time off, you may need to use up all your vacation leaves or accumulate unpaid leaves.

But why not have your cake and eat it, too? There are jobs where traveling is just one of the perks you can enjoy while you get paid as well.

1. Pilot

Whether you’re flying huge liner planes out of JFK or one of the classy charter planes from Fort Lauderdale, pilots play a huge part in the air travel industry. You’ll need to have completed a pilots’ course in aviation school where you will be trained in first aid, survival, maintenance, and even some math aside from the actual flying.

As a pilot, you will see much of the world and often have an allowance for each trip. Depending on your employer’s schedule for you, though, you may spend a few hours to a few days in a location.

But make no mistake; being a pilot is a lot of hard work. You need to be very vigilant and clever. You may also have an erratic schedule, especially if you’re a newer pilot. That said, the benefits are numerous. They include good pay, free miles, and the chance to travel extensively.

2. Hotel Manager

hotel manager

In the business of hospitality, you need to stay updated on the trends and technologies that will make your establishment better. There are numerous international conferences that cover everything from symposiums to workshops.

These business trips will be totally covered by the business and will add meat to your resume as well. They’ll have to provide you with accommodations and a per diem, too. Often, these conferences will also have time off so you can do some sight-seeing.

3. Travel Blogger

We know the term ‘influencer’ elicits a lot of mixed reactions, so we’ll stick with travel blogger for now. But basically, the context of the job is similar.

As a travel blogger, seeing as much of the world as you can is your breath and butter. Visiting the many breathtaking countries and townships both popular and lesser-known is your key to content creation.

It’s not that difficult when you first read it. But to keep it going is no easy feat. You need to be able to understand how to feature places in a way that engages and inspires your readers. You must also be very informative. Nobody needs another bland review. They want something helpful.

You should prioritize getting a very good camera, preferably one that can take video and stills well. You also need your laptop for writing, editing, and posting.

Don’t be nervous about putting your work out there. If you have enjoyable content, the followers will flock. Sooner or later, you can talk to relevant businesses to ask for sponsorships. They may even be the ones knocking to ask for your endorsement.

If traveling is really on top of your priorities, finding a job related to it is the perfect solution. Just remember that at the end of the day, you need to have accomplished your tasks first.

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