A Guide to Manufacturing: How to Turn Your Own Product Design into Reality

Nowadays, it is easier to find an overseas supplier that can provide the product you want to sell to customers. Many business owners go this route because the production is cheaper if you partner with factories based in East Asia. However, if you want to build your product from the ground up, here are the things you need to do:

Create a Product Concept

Before you proceed, you should have a clear idea of what your product will look like and how it will function. This stage you will inform you what kind of suppliers you should search for. For example, would you need to contact a manufacturer that will create custom compression springs? In Texas, there are factories that are ready to provide the parts you need to develop your product.

Make sure to create several sketches of your product and list down everything you may need to turn your ideas into reality.

Do Market Research

Another thing you need to do before you begin manufacturing is to find out the answer to many crucial questions you will encounter throughout the entire journey. First, does your product fulfill a need or demand in the market? Second, are there similar products already for sale? If so, who are your competitors and how will your product be an improvement to what they are currently selling?

If you find an edge that will set you apart from your competitors, you have a higher chance of success even if they have been in the market longer. If you have no apparent advantage, it might be best to go back to the drawing board and try again.

Product Development

product development

During this stage, you begin to think about the nitty-gritty of the product and the manufacturing.How long do you envision the product to be in use? What are the materials you may need for production? How much will manufacturing cost? Edit your design if necessary.

Create a Prototype

CAD, or computer-aided design, is the next step. Create a three-dimensional rendering of your product on a computer that you can analyse before you begin production. This will allow you to spot any issues and make changes accordingly.

Once you have approved the design, then you are ready to create a prototype. Test it thoroughly for any flaws. Be honest; if you see something that you do not like or may not work, it is better to change aspects of the products now than mass manufacture it before it is ready.


By this point, you hopefully already found a manufacturer that you trust and is capable of creating your product the way you envisioned it. Be sure to create a thorough description of your product, including size, color, components.

You may have to make more decisions at this point. If you want to keep cost low without compromising on quality, you may need to discuss alternatives with the manufacturer. Remember that using inferior materials may make lower the product’s quality so, regardless of how tempting it may be, do not cut corners every time you get the chance.

After manufacturing, you may need to do other things to make sure that each one turn out the way you want. You may want to test the products over again to spot potential issues before bringing it to the market. When you are sure that your product is ready, you can finally concentrate your attention to other important things such as distribution methods and marketing. Then, you can launch your product to the market.

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