Top 7 Money-Saving Maintenance Tips for Your Business

Saving money and cutting down expenses for any small business can be challenging, especially if you’re a startup in the early stages. But it is possible.

Here are some of the best money-saving maintenance tips to help you trim your overhead while improving efficiency—helping your business stay on track and ensure growing finances over time.

Have Cars and Garages Checked

If you’re running a company that requires vehicles, you need to ensure they’re in top condition at all times. For company vehicles, it’s best to have mechanics check each one you have every month. Meanwhile, for your garages, make sure to have garage doors checked and oiled regularly to avoid any costly repairs later on.

Routinely Change HVAC Filters

The filters that your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system use should get changed at least every month or two, depending on how often you’re using the system. For instance, if you continually run the furnace in the office space during the colder months or your air conditioning throughout the summer, you may need to change filters every two weeks. At a minimum, make it a habit to change your filters every time you get your electricity and gas bill, helping you avoid any expensive mistakes later on.

Clean Fridge Coils — Regularly

Even the most expensive refrigerators can be an energy-sucker if you don’t maintain them properly, so make sure to regularly monitor the fridge in your office’s pantry. Modern refrigerators these days typically have ‘refrigerant coils,’ which are responsible for keeping your fridge cold. Keeping these coils clean can help the head and cold exchange inside the appliance operate more efficiently. It only takes a couple of minutes but can save you a ton on energy bills.

garage doors

Monitor Hot Water Heater

Regardless of how clean the water at the office is, it will have sediment settling at the bottom of the heater over time, and causing expensive issues down the road. You can avoid some of these problems by having your water heater professionally cleaned and flushed every year.

Inspect and Repair Your Roof

No matter how sturdy you think your establishment’s roof is, it’ll eventually need to be replaced at least every twenty years, depending on the materials used. Regularly inspecting your roof can help you catch the needs for repairs and replacements fast—preventing you from dealing with leaks that may damage the structure of your business’s establishment. You can have a professional do this for you.

Go Green

Going for a green or eco-friendly business helps save nature and saves you money too. Whatever setting your business is on, it’s always best to use energy-efficient materials with lower utility costs. One good example here is using LED bulbs, which can save you 75% of your lighting bill annually. However, make sure to keep track of your ‘green’ appliances or systems since not many of them are in production, meaning it’s going to cost you a lot if these eco-friendly gadgets break.

When Something Gets Broken, Buy Used Equipment

If you’re just starting a business, it’s fine to buy used types of equipment, such as copiers, office furniture, and computers, which can save you around 50% to 70%. You can use online platforms or local newspapers’ ads on looking for used equipment. The good thing is that you can directly negotiate with the seller and get an even better deal.

Getting creative to save your company money can take a lot of creative energy, but not everyone knows how to scrimp and save like a professional entrepreneur. Luckily, the money-saving maintenance tips mentioned can help your business stay on track and ensure long-term financial health.

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