Revamp Your Office Space on a Limited Budget

Have you ever looked around your office? You may be so used to it that you deem that you don’t need to change some things. However, your employees and clients may have a different take; they may think that the space is hopelessly outdated and in dire need of a new treatment. The thing is, an office renovation does not come cheap.

It would be best if you remembered, though, that office renovation can be treated as a form of investment. For one, it improves the working condition of your employees, thus inspiring them to become more productive. Secondly, a beautiful office leaves a great impression on clients.

The problem you may be facing right now is the budget. Keep things simple, and concentrate on areas that have become your employees’ major concerns. If you are working on a limited budget, you need to become much more creative. Below are some of the things you may want to keep in mind:

Change the paint

One of the quickest ways to change the appearance of a room is through repainting. And it is probably the least expensive, too. However, do not skimp on it by having your employees do the job. Instead, hire a painting contractor and use only high-quality paints. This will ensure that the paint job will last a long time. When it comes to colors, pick a palette that is relaxing to the eyes. If you can, you may have the employees suggest and vote for the palette that they want.

Just rearrange the layout.

Giving your office a facelift does not always require you to enlist a general contractor’s help and services. If you are operating on an almost zero budget, why not just rearrange the current furniture and layout. For instance, if your space is too cramped, you may want to remove some of the partitions and office cubicles. You can have open spaces where employees can brainstorm and plan, but you can retain private spaces where some employees can work in peace. You may also want to change the placements of your equipment, such as a photocopying machine so that everyone in the office can easily access it.


Bring in some greenery

You may already a newly painted space, and the furniture layout seems great. But still, something seems to lack. Breathe life into your office space by adding some living accents; in this case, these are plants and other greens. Doing this has many benefits for your office. For one, they help employees relax, thus resulting in boosted productivity. Secondly, they help clean the air, which in turn helps the space counteract Sick Building Syndrome or SBS.

Work with a young interior designer

If you are planning an overhaul of the office design, you can avoid mistakes by working with reliable interior designers. But they can be expensive. There’s a workaround for that! You can work with a budding interior designer who is looking to build their portfolio. Their services usually do not have expensive price tags, but they may be able to provide you with stunning design options.

Recycle, recycle

Recycling office materials should be part of your list of priorities. If some of your chairs and tables are still in good shape, then you should reuse them. You can even repurpose some of them. For instance, the old office cabinets can be reused as an additional storage space.

Make your workplace great!

Renovating or redesigning an office on the cheap may sound impossible. But in reality, you can actually make it happen. You have to be imaginative and creative. You may also seek inspiration online.


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