Thinking of Switching Industries? Here’s How You Can Do It Successfully

Sometimes you outlive your job or it outlives you. It happens even to the most dedicated employees.

Living in a post-pandemic world, after all the stress and trauma the pandemic has caused, plenty of people may have also realized that their job doesn’t bring them any fulfillment or is worth all their effort anymore. Again, this is a normal reaction to what you just experienced.

Despite this feeling of restlessness, a lot of people may decide to stay in their current position, and no one can blame them. After all, many are struggling to find jobs in this economy and their current job is their only source of steady income.

But if you truly want to explore a new career, or a new opportunity presents itself, we say go for it.

Used to working in corporate but an opportunity in auto franchising presents itself? Get behind the wheel instead of staying behind the desk! Loved teaching math but can’t handle too many students at once? Switch to tutoring!

Plenty of people before you have contemplated and succeeded in switching careers and fields. Here’s how you can too:

1. Research

You don’t charge into battle without knowing who your enemy is. Of course, this is not to say that the new industry you want to move into is the enemy. But there are definitely challenges and roadblocks you’ll encounter along the way.

By doing research, you equip yourself with the right insights, including how the industry is performing, how the audience is reacting, and which positions you’re likely taking.

2. Make connections

Think of switching to a different industry like moving houses. When you get to your new home, the first few weeks can be incredibly isolating because you don’t know anyone in the neighborhood yet. So you reach out and get to know people.

The same goes for moving into a new field. You can start by connecting with people through websites like LinkedIn. You can also read up on leaders on the field. This technique gives you a direct insight into what’s happening within the industry and what the people within it are doing.

person using laptop

3. Immerse yourself in the new field

One of the best things you can do, especially when moving to a new field, is to immerse yourself in everything related to it. Read up on relevant topics and industry reports, join online groups, listen to podcasts.

With these activities, you will get a better understanding of the industry you’re moving into, identify the gaps and problems within it, and prepare yourself to fill them.

You can also immerse yourself in the industry by taking up internship positions. This is especially applicable for competitive industries. You can make these temporary positions your stepping stone to bigger companies, which will be more likely to hire you because of your experience.

4. Identify your current skills and the skills you need

Speaking of filling gaps and gaining experiences, you’d need certain skills to do that. Moving to a different industry can go two ways: you either move and apply for the same position or you make a total pivot and completely reinvent your career.

Either way, you need to reevaluate the skills you have and work for the skills you need. If you’re doing the same job in a different industry, figure out how you can tailor your skills specifically to the new field. And if you need completely new skills, make sure to take the time to learn them but leave room for growth. This way, when you get the job, you can learn the necessary skills firsthand.

Switching industries presents plenty of opportunities for your career, from revitalizing your love for your job to opening doors to different career paths. If you do it right, you might find that it’s the best decision you’ve made for your career and yourself.

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