Pool Advice for People with Dogs

Your dog probably loves your pool just as much as you do, maybe even more so. But before you let your four-legged best friend take a dip in your pool, here’s how to keep them safe and your pool well-maintained at the same time:

1. Protect your pool against scratches

Your dog probably won’t cause any damage with their nails if you have a fiberglass or cement pool. However, if you have a viny-lined pool, groom your dog’s nails and make sure they know how to swim before letting them in the pool. Otherwise, they might scratch the surface of the pool if they suddenly become panicked in the water.

2. Brush your dog before swimming

Most pool filters can handle a little bit of dog hair. However, if you have a small filter or many dogs (particularly hairy ones), make it a habit to brush your dog to get rid of excess hair before letting them in the pool. As an extra precaution, install a skimmer sock to catch the dog hair before it reaches the filter, as well as check the filter pressure regularly to make sure everything’s running smoothly.

3. Teach your dog how to swim

Some dogs have the natural ability to swim and love being in the water. If you have this type of dog, then you probably won’t have to worry about teaching them how to swim. But if your dog exhibits hesitance when getting in the pool or does not know how to paddle when they get in the water, teach them how to swim for their safety and your peace of mind.

At the same time, teach them how to get out of the pool using the steps. This will make it easy for them to find the way out when they are tired or panicked.

4. Install a fence

If you don’t want your dog to go into the pool unsupervised, install a fence around the pool area that is high enough so your dog can’t jump over it. Similarly, ensure that the fence buries deep into the ground so that your dog can’t dig under it either.

5. Put floaties on your dog

dogs swimming

If your dog just can’t get the hang of swimming but you still want them to experience the pool, put them in a dog life jacket. If your dog can swim, it’s a good idea to keep a floating device nearby where they can rest when they are tired.

6. Don’t let your dog drink pool water

Chlorine won’t necessarily harm your dog right away, but letting them drink excessive amounts of pool water is not a good idea. Train your dog not to drink chlorinated water and keep their water bowl nearby for when they are thirsty.

7. Wash your dog off before and after swimming

Just like humans, dogs should also take a brief shower before jumping into the pool to reduce the amount of dirt that is entering the water. Give your dog a good spray with the hose before letting them into the pool.

If you’ve just gotten a new pool, remember these pieces of advice before letting your dog anywhere near it. By following these precautions, you can make the pool a safe and fun space for the whole family.

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