November 2021

team working on a project

Diversity Worldwide: The Benefits of Having a Diverse Workplace

Diversity is crucial for many businesses worldwide. It’s a way to untapped, limitless potential from people all over the world. It’s also a way for employees to connect regardless of their cultural identities. In the US, diversity is an essential identifier of a good company. However, diversity isn’t just a way for your company to

Diversity Worldwide: The Benefits of Having a Diverse Workplace Read More »

hedge fund manager

Hedging against Inflation: Which Investments Should You Choose?

We’ve all heard the word “inflation” thrown in conversations here and there. Chances are, we’ve also used it several times when talking to people about life, business, work, and cost of living. But perhaps not all of us clearly understand what it is, so allow us to define it in the simplest way possible. Inflation

Hedging against Inflation: Which Investments Should You Choose? Read More »

happy employees

Little Trinkets Small Businesses Can Offer to Improve Employee Retention

Creating a small business offers plenty of advantages. You are the new face in the industry, making you an attractive prospect for customers. Combined with a strong online presence and lower prices, your small business might start to shake the big companies into making adjustments or adapting to your processes. But there is one area

Little Trinkets Small Businesses Can Offer to Improve Employee Retention Read More »