Temporary Permanence: Making Your Rental Your Home

Your twenties are the perfect years to spend finding one’s footing as an adult in society. Typically, young adults such as ourselves aren’t ready for proper commitment at this stage. In relationships, but more notably, in the places we call “home.” This is evident in how we tend to move from one apartment to another, if and when we start outgrowing these units.

With uncertainty always in our midst, it’s hard to settle and carve out a home in our one bedroom rental apartments. Still, this difficulty shouldn’t hinder us from doing so, since we all deserve to have a place where we are happy and comfortable in — whether it’s temporary or not.

Here are some of the ways to improve rentals in Jacksonville, Florida and all over the country.

Mind the Space

Apartments come in various sizes, and space is an important factor to consider when designing our rentals. Those who have to make do with a smaller apartment — in the name of privacy or saving money — have to make different stylistic choices than those who have more space to deal with in their units.

For example, smaller apartments largely benefit from minimalism, as having too much design pieces can turn the unit into a cluttered, and thus smaller, room than it actually is. Another thing to consider is the use of mirrors, since they work by creating the illusion that a space is bigger than its actual measurements say. As for the furniture, it’s wise to use multipurpose furniture, given the limited space. Like ottomans that function as storage, or couches that can transform into beds at night.

Consider What Can and Should Be Replaced

fixing up the apartment

Design pieces are vital to creating a look, but apartment fixtures can make or break the same look that we are going for if they’re past their prime. Windows can’t be replaced given their permanence, but they can be spruced up by curtains or blinds. Bamboo blinds, for example, is both stylish and good for the environment.

Tinier fixtures can have the same impact as larger ones. The need to update knobs, handles, faucets, and racks when they’re past their prime is one of such fixtures. Some landlords prohibit this, but the rule can be bent a little if one is daring enough. How? By keeping the original pieces safe throughout the replacement process. This allows us to swap the original fixtures back when it’s time to move out.

Use Splashes of Color

Any drab apartment can be brightened up with colored items. While we can’t usually paint our walls to improve the rooms, we can use key pieces to introduce color to our units. One of which is a planter to put low-maintenance plants in. Planters are cheap and come in a wide array of designs. We can even design our own if we’re feeling artistic enough. Cacti and succulents are a few examples of plants that can thrive indoors. A filled planter can instantly improve the look and air quality of the room.

Another piece to consider are leaning picture frames, to be used either for art prints or fond memories. Again, we might not be able to hang these up through the typical method, but we can place frames on shelves so they’re leaning on walls. If we choose to forego the frames, we can use poster tape that won’t do harm to the wall or item that we’re putting up.

When looking at these “life hacks,” it’s easy to notice that a lot of them are easy on the budget, don’t take up a lot of space, and bring functionality to the table. It isn’t a prerequisite for design to do all three, but it is an appreciated bonus as we transform our units into a place we can be comfortable in.

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