Should You Still Give Out Flyers in the Age of the Internet?

If you are wondering how you should be marketing your business, it’s always best to keep up with the times. The market is ever-changing. Almost every year, a different online marketing campaign becomes the trend.

However, if you think that online is the only path to take, you are wrong. Yes, fewer people are reading local newspapers and magazines, so placing print ads here won’t drive sales. However, some advertising practices that ruled in the past are still standing. By the looks of it, they are here to stay.

Traditional Marketing Today

Billboards are still getting plenty of attention. As long as people still drive with their eyes on the road, they will see an advertisement as huge as a billboard. It’s now just a matter of where these huge ads are placed. Of course, a strategic placement would be in the same place where your business is.

Sponsor local events in your community. This is one of the best non-Internet ways to market to your locality. For example, you run a coffee business, sponsor a local sports event by providing your products to the participants. Big banners with your logo and business name on them are a great advertising ploy. While you are at it, a booth will also increase brand recall.

Don’t forget your local radio station. Don’t underestimate their reach. When people drive and don’t want to be accompanied by silence, they flick the radio on. Place a short ad with your local radio station for a prime time slot.

And then, there are the good old flyers.

Does Giving Out Flyers Still Work?

The simple and straightforward answer is yes. Here is why:

1. Flyers are cheap

While online marketing services will handle your marketing campaigns as you relax, you need quite the budget for this. On the other hand, making flyers on your own is tedious, but it is a low-budget option. All you need is a printer and a cutter.

If you can’t design your own flyers, you can always get professional help. And even if you pay a printing shop to handle all the work for you, it will still cost lower than other online marketing services.

2. You can easily target your market with flyers

Basically, the same lead targeting method is used in both online and offline advertising. However, with flyers, it is easier to get your ad to the people you aim for. For example, flyers for massage chair brands like Osim AU should be handed out in an office where people are in dire need of stress relief. Or, if you have a student promo for the meals in your restaurant, then head to the nearest school and hand out flyers.

If you have a Mother’s Day special event, then distribute flyers in places where moms frequent. This will also get the word out quickly to friends and family members of the people who got your flyers

3. Customers still like getting tangible things


How many times have you taken a screenshot of an online promo only to forget about its existence forever? This happens a lot of times to everyone. However, you will still see restaurant flyers on people’s refrigerators. This just means that people still like receiving physical, tangible things.

4. Flyers add some personal touch

Have you ever been approached by a group of school girls selling cookies? They tell you they are selling them for a school project, and you are immediately drawn. As a result, there’s a huge chance you are going to buy.

If you have the time, you can personally hand out flyers to potential customers. It gives you a personal connection with customers, increasing the chance of them looking for the flyer again later on.

At the same time, unlike the promotional materials you get in your email, your next move is not to move it to trash. You will be curious and read the contents when you get your hands on a printed piece of ad.

How Should You Work on Your Flyer Advertising?

Of course, with any marketing campaign, the first step is identifying your target customers. Next, invest in quality paper and quality design. You don’t want to be giving out sloppy pieces of paper. Because truth be told, they are most likely going to end up in the trash.

Get well-designed flyers. Make it eye-catching. Employ a professional designer to handle your needs. Then, once you have a design, take it to a big printing shop. Big printing shops offer low costs for bulk projects.

Final Thoughts

Just because something is old doesn’t mean it’s out of the game. If anything, you can watch how people will react to getting flyers again after some time. That actually adds value to the whole customer experience.

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