Squeezing in a Workout During Office Hours

There never seems to be enough time to squeeze in 30 minutes in the gym. After work, we have to shop for food in the grocery store and rush home to prepare dinner. We need to help our kids with their homework. By the time everything gets done, we’re too exhausted to even move a muscle. But in many parts of the world, a lack of exercise leads to respiratory problems, heart disease, and diabetes. It is important to squeeze in a workout every day.

If you have sturdy office furniture in Salt Lake City or other cities, you can do some cardio exercises even while sitting. By positioning yourself correctly, you can do chair jacks, cycling crunches, knee-to-elbow twists, and leg raises with a twist. These will increase your heart rate and allow your body to burn fat and use up stored energy.

Brisk Walk or Run

Be transparent with your boss about wanting to squeeze in some exercise. If your boss allows you to, go for a brisk walk in the park, or climb the stairs up and down. Just make sure that you’re ticking off items on your to-do list. Otherwise, your coworkers will be annoyed at you for having time to work out but not to finish your tasks. You’ll find yourself to be more productive when you exercise during lunch break. You’ll have more energy until you finish your work in the afternoon.

Commute to Work

Instead of driving or taking public transportation to work, you can take your bike and cycle to your workplace. Make sure that the routes you’re going to take allow bikes like yours. Also, dress appropriately for the weather. It may be harder for you to bike during the winter season, so consider these things.

Walk While Working

coworkers walking

Unless you absolutely have to be at your desk, you can take a walk around the office while talking to clients on the phone. Don’t sit all day unless you have to. You can also ask the boss to place standing desks around the office. Those who have to type all day can use those desks when they need to stretch their legs.

Good for Your Health

Doctors recommend that people do at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week. Moderate means brisk walking for 30 minutes, five days a week. This alone can reduce your chances of getting the for major non-communicable diseases by 6% to 10%. These diseases range from type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, to breast and colon cancer.

Make Your More Productive

Ever felt lazy and lethargic after your lunch break? If you take a large meal during lunch, you’ll probably feel extra sleepy after lunch. Unfortunately, you can’t take a nap during work. You’ll get into trouble, of course. That’s the beauty of doing exercise during lunchtime. The adrenaline pumping in your veins will make you more productive in the afternoon.

Make time for exercise, no matter how busy you become. It’s not about being a fitness nut. It’s about trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle amid your busy schedule. It’s for your own good and your family, too.

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