Selling Spirits: Starting Your Own Liquor Business

Breaking into the liquor industry can be a great way to start a business. It can be surprisingly easy to brew up some alcohol. Though many brewers settle for making only beer, other beverages such as gin, whiskey, and more have the same basic foundation.   But breaking into the market is much more difficult. Here are some tips on how to make your operations successful:

Know What You’re Making

Before everything else, it would be a good idea to have a clear idea of what drink you will be brewing. This will determine everything about your operations. For example, if you are planning to brew some beer, then you’ll have to get specific ingredients and be ready to fight it out in a crowded market. Other liquors like gin and vodka have less competition but you’ll be facing a discerning customer base that knows what it wants.

Besides the main type of drink, you may want to narrow it down even further. Some liquor products came about because they answered a niche demand in the market. For example, you may want to create a gin drink that has fruit accents in its taste but still retain a powerful kick. Think about what you want to drink and start from that.

Make Sure You Are Legal

Another thing to consider when you are planning on brewing operations is the legality of it all. Many states are pretty strict when it comes to alcohol. If you want to make and sell alcohol in any area, you probably need a license. To ensure that you don’t have any trouble with local authorities, you should take steps to get the appropriate licenses and permits. This may require facility inspections and more so it would be a good idea to have everything ready so that you can launch operations when you get the legal go-ahead.

Do Some Smart Marketing

Though many people think that liquor sells itself. But your product is competing with other drinks on the store shelves. You need to set yourself apart and the right marketing approach can do that. For example, you can do some work with the packaging. Bottle hitchhikers are great additions to plain bottles so that you can add promotional items so that people would be tempted to pick them up. Small items like shot glasses and bottle openers can catch people’s eyes and offer them additional value for their money.

Think About the Wider Market

Wine store with employee

Though you will start small, you will want to go beyond the simple delivery to the local liquor store. If you want big sales, you’ll need to reach more people. This means getting a good distributor. A distributor can open doors for you since they usually supply bars and restaurants, allowing customers to try your drink out.

The problem with getting a distributor is that it is very difficult since you are competing with a large market. One surefire way, though, is to win local competitions and gain local recognition so boost your brand up to get distributor attention.

When you start selling liquor, it will not be an instant hit. You need to be patient since you’re fighting against many competitors. But if you do things right and have a good mix, then you can be sure that people will soon be talking about your product.

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