Cars and planes have different engines, different bodies, and different mechanisms. But beyond those technical differences, cars and planes have more profound distinctions from each other, particularly in terms of acquisition and ownership.

If you want to use your private pilot license and buy a small plane of your own, take a look at these insights:

Buying a plane is much like buying a car

When you start browsing for a plane, you have to be wary of faulty ones and unscrupulous salespeople, just like when you’re buying a car. Some airplane distributors can even try to sell planes at a suspiciously low price but won’t disclose the faults in the plane beforehand, which is quite a similar tactic that some car salesmen use.

Hence, do as much research on your preferred plane as you would before buying a car. If you’re not yet well-versed in airplanes, bring a reputable airplane mechanic or more experienced pilot with you to the distributor. They can help you find a suitable model that matches your skills, as well as point out any possible faults in the plane.

However, given that flying a plane holds more risks than driving a car, you must be more critical when choosing a plane to buy. Don’t sacrifice quality for a lower price, and as much as possible, shop with multiple reputable distributors to vary your choices.


The cost of plane upkeep is higher

One main difference between car and plane ownership is the cost of upkeep. Buying and maintaining a small plane is much more expensive than buying a car. Unfortunately, some plane owners fail to consider the costs of keeping the aircraft in the long run, leading them to sell it much sooner than they intend to.

Before you buy a plane, there are a lot of expenses that you have to prepare for. Aside from the cost of the aircraft itself, there’s also the cost of year professional tune-ups, plane insurance, airfield tie-down fees, inspections, and of course, fuel–gallons and gallons of it.

With that in mind, determine if it’s the right time to buy a plane, considering your finances. Moreover, think about how much flying time you can get from the plane before it eventually changes hands. If the cost of renting a plane will cost you more than buying one, then it might be more economical to go with the latter choice.

You have to spend a lot more time practicing with a plane

Pilot training is much more extensive than learning how to drive a car. Depending on your aptitude and pickup, learning how to fly can take anywhere from a couple of months to a year. On average, you are required to have 60 to 70 hours of flight time to acquire your license. And compared to driving a car, flying requires more dedication, patience, and practice.

If you look at it, owning a plane is just like owning a car. You have to make a considerable investment, stay on top of maintenance, and learn its ins and outs. However, with a plane, these similarities are to a higher degree. Hence, before you consider buying a plane, ensure that you are ready for the commitment.

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