5 Things You Should Check in Your House After a Hurricane

The United States is one of the most hit countries by hurricanes, and with each peak season carry its own dangers to properties in the path of these cyclones. As 2020’s hurricane season is predicted to be significantly more active than normal and beyond its predecessors, it would be best to not only prepare your home for any hits but to also know what to do right after when it’s time to recover.


Check your roof for any issues with its integrity, especially if there is any debris or significant breakage on parts of the roof. A professional roof repair service will come in handy for extensive damage, though it is wise to get it checked out anyway for any underlying or less obvious problems that you may not be able to see yourself. This is helpful, too, if you can’t safely assess the roof completely on your own, because this is one of the most important aspects to thoroughly check.


Your walls can take some sustained damage both internally and externally, especially if your home was in direct line of the cyclone. Its structure should be checked as this will prevent any leaks and breakdown of your roofing. The foundation is the most important part to check here, though any obvious cracks or holes should also be prioritized. If the cracks spider out and are deeper, this could be a higher risk that needs to be repaired for structural damage.


Though these parts of the home are built to be sturdy and withstand some stress, they can also sustain some harm that will open up risks for water leakage and further structural damage and water leaks that could spell hassle and danger later on. There could also be debris lodged in blocking any pathways that could be detrimental to your insulation and ventilation. This not only poses structural issues but can be a direct health hazard if not attended.


The first thing you need to is to make sure that the structure here is also safe so that no one caves in. Furthermore, the basement can be the most prone section in terms of flooding, so you should keep an eye out for those spills and any cracks in the nooks and crannies. Inspect the dampness of the room and be on the lookout for water puddles and distinctive cracks.


Woman fixing leaking pipe

Your pipes will take on a lot of damage during these disasters, so before you start using them regularly again, make sure you haven’t gotten any busted pipes that are on the verge of bursting or cracking completely to affect your water flow. As the ground beneath shifts, your pipes will definitely be affected. This is a fine time to halt your water supply, as needed, and minimize further complications before you can figure out what the problem is.

By making use of these guidelines, you can rest assured that you are protecting your home and making sure that it can last for the long run. After all, the hurricane season packs its own punches. You just need to be resilient.

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