Why Winter is a Problem to Your Roof

Winter is one of your roof’s worst nightmares. The cold weather can loosen shingles, create ice dams, and more. Here’s what you can do to save your roof from winter. January is the coldest month in most places, like in Salt Lake City, Utah. Roofing contractors know what your roof can go through during this season, and how to prevent them. Here are some problems you should watch out for.

Ice Dams

As the weather goes down, along with it comes to snow. But every time it goes up during the day, the snow stuck in your roof melts. This becomes a problem when debris, like dried leaves, is stuck in the gutters. Water, then, remains in your roof and freezes again, which can cause serious damage.

Water causes condensation when it blocks ventilation areas. You have to handle these issues properly, and make sure that these areas are clean and dry. If not, mold and fungal growth could develop in the area.

Another problem is damage to the underlayment. Eventually, water and moisture to make its way under the flooring of your house. The water could affect your flooring and develop mold and fungal growth too.

Your roof could also be affected. Shingles could be pushed off. The best thing to do is to inspect your house to identify minor problems. This way, you can prevent these issues from becoming major ones.

snow formed at a house

Wind Storms

With winter comes strong howling winds. The problem with winter wind storms is they can loosen asphalt shingles. The worst part is they can blow off shingles from your roof. When your shingles are blown off your roof, water can seep into your house. That is another chance for mold to form. To prevent this from happening, replace the missing shingles as soon as you find one.

Bent or buckling flashing is another problem caused by winter wind storms. Notice that metal flashing installed around your chimney? That component directs water away from crevices and corners, preventing leaks from happening.

The problem occurs when strong winds warp the metal, or worse, unfasten it. Just like with missing shingles, this can make water enter your home. Go into your attic right away and look for any sign of water damage or mold growth.


Do you remember the Whomping Willow in Harry Potter, and how it swirled and twisted around, damaging Ron Weasley’s father’s flying car? That very same thing is what trees can do to your roof during this weather. Because of the strong winds, branches can hit the roof. Your shingles can be damaged due to branches repeated hitting them, eventually breaking your shingles. The worst part is when a tree falls on your roof, damaging the underlayment, or worse, creating a massive hole in your home.

Sure, trees provide shade and beauty to your home, but they can also damage your house during this season. The best thing to do is get your trees trimmed, especially the ones that tower over your roof.

Winter may not bother Elsa, but if most definitely bothers a lot of things, especially your roof. Many problems stem from the cold weather, and it’s up to you to stop things from getting worse. Powerful winds and icy snowstorms can take a toll on your home. There is not much you can do to prevent roof damage when you’re up against Mother Nature. If the problems have gotten worse, get professional help right away.

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