Untapped Void: Ways You Can Reduce Wasted Space

Many use their attics as a storage place. They do not get visited or seen that much by anyone, so it is good to put your old stuff in an attic. But there are also some that use their attics as a place to hang out. If you are interested in doing this, you can try looking for a loft conversion company in Tunbridge Wells. There are companies that offer to plan and execute the project for you.

A loft conversion is a great way to utilize the space of an attic. It is like getting a new room added to your house. There are also many ways you can maximize floor space. It all starts with your own space, be it a study room or an office.

Walls Are Your Friends

You generally plan how to layout your furniture by looking at the floor. As you imagine where you will place your stuff, you calculate how much space it takes along the way. You tend to put objects with smaller footprints close together or in a cluster.

You can use walls to your advantage. They can be the perfect place where you can install additional shelves all around the house. Cabinets may be spacious, but they often are too tall and take up much of a room’s walking space. As storage space, you probably would not be able to fill it up. You will then have a lot of wasted space.

You can find wasted space inside bedrooms where you spend your time mostly lying around. If you need more storage in other places where people roam around, like the living room, you can put shelves up on the wall. They won’t obstruct the walking area, but they can still hold anything for you. They can also serve as decorations for the house. You can use them to showcase your various collections.

Other Ways to Reduce Footprints


When you are trying to maximize space, one of the objectives is to reduce footprints. If you have a workshop, you can have a wireframe where you can hang your tools. It not only saves you space, but it also makes them easily accessible too.

Footprints don’t just affect floors. If you are using a computer you can free up space on your office desk by installing monitor arm mounts. They remove the bases of your monitors and have them floating on your table. They also let you adjust the position of your screen more freely, letting you tilt and move it around to a greater degree. But more importantly, this leaves you with more space on the table.

If you have many electronic devices such as cellular phones, laptops, or tablets, make designated charging spots around the house for them. This is where you arrange all the necessary cables for charging and for data transfer. This helps you become more organized by not having a bunch of cables lying around. You will also not have to worry about losing cables if they are all in one small space.

The house can get messy if you don’t manage your spaces properly. There always are creative ways you can achieve this. All it takes is an incredible imagination.

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