Three Gifts Ideas for Employees That Make a Difference in Your Company

Gifting is a great way for a company to make its employees feel recognized and appreciated. According to research, 66% of employees are more likely to resign their posts if they did not feel appreciated. This is why gifting matters and it can go along way toward job contentment; eventually leading to making each employee stay with the company for many years to come.

This also shows that employee gifts can be a beneficial investment for a company. It is a kind of gift that keeps on giving. If you are already convinced, here are some gift ideas that will surely be highly appreciated by an outstanding employee.

1. A Smartwatch

A watch as a gift can mean more than the watch itself — it is a gift of time. Or for companies, it may mean “we value the time you are giving to the company.”

Back in the 1940s, Pepsi Company had the same concept. They had a tradition of giving away gold watches to their employees upon retirement. The concept is “You gave us your time, now we are giving yours.” Although this was decades ago and this tradition has already ended for the Pepsi company, it is something to ponder and get inspiration from.

It may be appropriate to get something of value like a gold watch for someone who had been with the company for decades. But fast-forward to now, this idea of having to wait for their retirement for a gold watch might not sound so appealing to today’s employees, especially to the millennials. So why copy old traditions when you can offer something advanced? You can express the same thought as that of Pepsi’s but in a modern way — give your employees a smartwatch.

A smartwatch features health apps that allow the person wearing it to monitor his physical activities, workouts, heartbeat, sleeping patterns, and even tracks food and water intake. A smartwatch makes a fantastic gift because it is more than just saying “I value your time”. It also conveys the message “I care about your health and wellness.”

2. A Challenge Coin

Make your employee feel like his contribution to the company is something legendary by giving him a personalized challenge coin. It is a token of appreciation that can leave a lasting impact on an individual. It allows you to recognize one’s contribution to an organization. The special feeling that they may get from receiving such a wonderful gift can result in a boost in their morale which can turn them into even more productive workers.

If you want to increase the sentimental value of a certain challenge coin, give it to your employee during a milestone in his career. Use it to mark a special moment. For instance, present it to him in front of the whole office on his 10th work anniversary.

A challenge coin is truly an excellent keep-safe that shows you value your employees’ hard work and dedication.

3. Send them for a Vacation


While this is not something tangible or something an employee can display in the living room for them to boast later, this may even be a highly-preferred gift. In today’s corporate world, a monetary gift is not as meaningful as it once was. They are great, but they just do not have an impact as powerful as an experienced-driven gift like free lunches, concert tickets, and paid trips.

Giving an employee an all-expenses-paid trip can be one of the best gifts an employer can give. It can show how much a company values its employees’ wellness, mental health, and personal time. By sending them on a vacation, you give them a chance to disconnect from stressors and get away with their responsibilities for a while.

It will be more fun and ideal to give this gift to a group of people in a company, so they can share something fun and memorable outside work. This type of gift does not have to be grand all the time. Consider these options:

  • Spa Trips
  • Massage Weekends
  • Wellness Staycation
  • Nearby Camping

But if the company is feeling generous and wants to take this gift to the next level, they may book their employees an all-expenses-paid trip to an exotic destination.

In a workplace, a simple “thank you” can already go a long way. However, it would make a lot of difference to make employees feel recognized, valued, and appreciated by giving them exceptional gifts. After all, these are the people who have slogged their hearts out to keep a company running.

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