5 Tricks to Start Your Own Real Estate Development Firm

The real estate industry boom that began in 2020 came as a huge surprise for many people, even for some long-time industry players. With the global effect of the pandemic in terms of economy, many believed that the real estate market will suffer a sudden collapse that will affect millions of people who rely on robust real estate demands.

Back in August 2020, there was a 43 percent year-over-year spike in new homes purchased by eager homebuyers. This almost overnight rise in home sales was attributed to the sudden drop in mortgage rates and as suburban homes became highly coveted for work-from-home and remote learning purposes.

Moreover, a 2020 survey conducted by Realtor.com revealed that 63 percent of Millennials — now the United States’ biggest population segment — plans to purchase a house the following year, 2021. And given that it’s now that year in question, it’s safe to say that the real estate industry has a lot of potential clients in the pipeline.

If you wish to capture a piece of this pie by starting your own real estate development company, here are five painless tricks to help you out:

Secure funding through loans

Starting quite an ambitious company (in terms of the funding and logistical requirements) is not something that would feel like a walk in the park, especially if you have limited cash on hand.

The quickest way to get the funding that you need to jumpstart your real estate development firm is to connect with a local hard money loans company. Such a lending institution typically approves loan applications for startup businesses with flexible repayment options and quick processing.

All you need is to make an inquiry about their loan solutions, prepare and submit the needed documents, and wait for your loan to get approved. Such lenders typically have quick turn-around time from application to release of loan proceeds, so you won’t have to wait long to get your needed hard cash.

Start networking

A real estate or construction business is a serious undertaking that would require you to have existing and future partnerships with suppliers, as well as potential employees and clients. Without a solid and extensive network, you can’t expect to get your business off the ground, let alone be successful in your venture.

As such, you should begin networking right now to have enough contacts by the time you’re all set to break grounds, so to speak. With identified suppliers, potential workers, and investors, things will be much easier once you’re operational. Keep in mind that it’s better to go through the hard work first than to get yourself all caught up in them just when things are going well.

Market your properties or services

These days, no business can expect to enjoy some degree of success without having a concrete marketing plan and aggressive marketing campaigns. In today’s digital world, real estate companies, like many businesses, engage in a tough promotional tug-of-war to attract their target clients. You must be mentally and physically ready to engage in such an aggressive tussle if you want to make your company break into people’s consciousness.

You should consider hiring an in-house digital marketing team to carry out your company’s marketing blueprint. You should also consider getting professional SEO practitioners to ensure that your website ranks high on search engine results pages (SERPs) where prospective clients can read about your services or properties for sale.

With such skilled marketing professionals at your disposal, you can launch campaigns quickly and easily with high chances of success.

Learn from the best


Real estate has a lot of great talents from whom you can learn the ropes of the trade. These successful players are often more than willing to guide youngbloods, especially talented and driven ones.

If you can find these mentors, don’t hesitate to connect with them and pick their brains out to get techniques that you can incorporate into your business model. There are plenty of reasons why such people became industry bigwigs, and it’s your task to discover what these great qualities and methods are and to learn from them.

Learn as much as you possibly could about the industry

If you’re really driven to succeed in the real estate industry, it’s only logical to do your research and learn as much as possible about the business you’re entering. This would include knowing the recent trends, pitfalls to avoid, best practices to emulate, and many other aspects.

Your knowledge of these things will surely come in handy when it’s time to deal with them in real life. Remember that the real estate business can be a cut-throat one, so you need to know everything there is you need to know.

With these tips to guide you, starting your real estate company should be easier to do.

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