A Busy Season for Business: Why You Should Scale Up Your Marketing

The pandemic gave rise to an unexpected demand: plumbing services.

When the United States, along with other nations around the world, restricted movement, calls for plumbers plummeted. People were afraid of welcoming strangers into their houses. They are concerned that, by being in the same space with an outsider, they are risking the lives of the people they love.

Business is Booming

However, for so many people, the need for a professional was urgent. Because everyone is at home all the time, the bathroom was getting overwhelmed, and because there is nowhere else to go, being indoors led homeowners to hear sounds that they have not noticed before. They all need a professional.

So, as soon as it was permitted, many called plumbing service hotlines for help.

One business revealed that they were receiving at least 20 to 25% more calls for emergency work shortly after the lockdowns. Houses were dealing with backed-up drain lines, some of which were caused by so-called flushable wipes.

There was also more work last winter, especially in places that do not normally see heavy snowfall. There were so many busted pipes to fix and replace.

Because of the pandemic and the restrictions created to end it, some businesses saw demand for their services increase. Professional cleaners, laundry shops, child care services, landscapers, and home improvement contractors all found themselves fully booked throughout the past year.

However, this is not the time to slack. Businesses, despite their suddenly busy schedules, should continue to run marketing campaigns. It may sound unnecessary. The goal of marketing is to attract more customers which the business already has, so why waste resources and energy?

Here are a few reasons why.

Introduce Your Brand to an Interested Audience

During the off-peak seasons, the goal of marketing is to collect more leads. You want to attract more customers to your store. So, you make your pitch in your campaigns, try to attract attention, and convince people to try out your products.

When the customers are steadily streaming into your doors, it is an opportunity to switch up your campaign. The goal is not to gain more patrons, but to communicate who you are, what you do, why you do it better than your competitors, and to keep them coming back. It is time to build brand awareness and loyalty.

The busy period is when consumers actively seek out your business. They no longer need to be convinced. But, they are willing to listen to whatever message you want to impart to the public.

Put Reviews Front and Center

thumbs up

Your peak season is the right time to collect reviews from customers to be used for marketing. Of course, this would not be possible without providing good service first. Your team must be trained to spend more time with customers. This will be challenging because there is high demand for your services, but remaining attentive and kind to everyone will improve your business’ reputation. Moreover, if you treat your customers right, they are more likely to be willing to give you a good review that you can place on your websites, share on social media, and use to entice new potential clients.

In addition, businesses should strive to improve their services. Otherwise, competitors will take it as an opportunity to steal unhappy customers from you without your knowledge.


Despite the busy stores, there is still a need to promote the business on social media, on billboards and window posters, on local television and radio, etc.

Visibility is important for businesses throughout the year because it creates more new customers. It leads to improvements in brand awareness and loyalty as well as profits. It sets you apart from your competitors and helps you leave a mark in the market.

But, it is easy to slip out of the public’s consciousness by being quiet. In fact, it benefits the business when they post once or twice daily on social media because platforms like Facebook and Instagram favor active accounts. When you post consistently, you gain more exposure.

It also keeps your audience engaged. When they go online, they seek content. If your business is not providing that, their attention will wander somewhere else.

Moreover, it creates brand recall. If consumers see your business all the time, then they are most likely to associate your business with the product. If they need to make the purchase, they will choose a brand that they recognize rather than a new one they have never seen before.

Marketing should never stop regardless of whether the business is booming or at a standstill. Entrepreneurs should continue boosting their campaigns all year round to become a success.

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