Professional Land Survey Services: Which One Should You Get?

If you are a landowner, you have probably used land surveying services when buying your property. These services are essential when building a home. But unfortunately, some people are not aware they exist, not knowing that there are professionals who perform this service.

The field of land survey is wide, and the applications vary depending on the specific need. Regardless, one should engage professional land surveyors in Utah, or any other state, to learn straight from the experts. But for now, here are some of the land survey services one may need:

As-Built Surveys

As the name suggests, this kind of survey reveals the state of a site in its “as-built” conditions. A land surveyor performs this kind of survey once the construction is complete. Often, there is an initial design of a building that is laid out before construction. Depending on the conditions, there might be changes to the initial design. The as-built survey indicates the changes that happened compared with the initial sketches.

Construction Layout

This type of survey is also known as the construction stakeout. This survey can take place either before or during project execution, and will depend on project complexity. The purpose of this survey is to see that every construction work follows with the initial design requirements. For residential property, the stakeout includes the house, septic, and driveway. On the other hand, stakeout in commercial property captures the infrastructure beneath and above the site.

man at the construction site

Adjustment of Boundary Lines

There are some instances where it is necessary to adjust property lines between adjacent properties. Line adjustment moves the property lines and does not create new lots. One should obtain an approval letter from the relevant state and local authorities before adjusting any boundary line.


A landowner who owns a large property may need to split the it into multiple lots. This division of property might be done to ease the sale process or accelerate property development. No matter the intended use for subdividing land, one should engage a surveyor. They first determine the boundaries of the property, then design the lots according to state rules. Then proposals will be sent to state authorities for approval. After the authorities grant the property subdivision request, the surveyor then subdivides the property. Later on, each lot will then get a unique deed.

Boundary Survey

This kind of survey is essential for property buyers and developers. Boundary survey shows where property begins and ends. Other details that appear in the drawing include easements, property evidence, corners, and rights-of-way. The surveyor uses existing maps, deeds, and other survey materials to determine the boundary.


It is important for one to understand the various instances that call for land survey services. Even then, make sure that you get the right land surveyor for the survey services required. Professional land surveyors have undergone training in their field and have the relevant experience to handle the job. Hiring an unqualified land surveyor might cause bigger issues in the future. Land survey documents require the surveyor’s signature to show that they rendered their service. And if any issue arises in the future, the surveyor is responsible for their actions.

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