Letter Writing 101: How to Thank Customers Through a Letter

It’s always a good idea to thank your customers for their loyal patronage to your company. You can thank them by posting a message on your website or your Facebook page. But, if you really want your customers to feel your gratitude and if you really want them to be loyal to you, then writing them a real letter is the only way.


You may think that using snail mail may be old-fashioned, but it’s still an effective marketing method that many companies use up to this day. In fact, large companies rely heavily on this marketing strategy that they even hire action mailing services. So, if you want to thank your customers properly, then here are tips for drafting the perfect ‘thank you’ letter.

Use the Proper Greeting

You should always start off on the right path when it comes to communicating with customers because if at the start you’re already floundering, then your customer might not even bother to read the whole message. With that in mind, you should know how to properly address your customer.

So, if you know the customer then you can dispense, just a little bit, with the formalities and address the person with a “Hi. . .” greeting. You could also use “Dear. . .”, but this is more frequently used if you’re not too familiar with the recipient.

Now, if the letter is formal or perhaps you’re addressing someone with a high position in a company, you should address that person with “Mr.” or “Ms.” plus his or her last name. Even if you’ve met these customers before and you’re already chummy with each other, it’s still good form to address them by their surnames.

Say Your Thanks

After you’ve addressed them properly, it’s time to tell them how grateful you are in your letter. Try not to be generic with your expression of gratitude, so you need to know what each customer has done for you.


If the customer you’re writing to just purchased a large number of your products, then be sure to put in your letter that particular detail. Thank him for making a large purchase and let him know that this purchase helped your company grow bigger.

Let Him Know About his Contribution

If your customer took part in a customer survey, thank him for doing so and let him know that you’ll be using the answers he gave to help your company improve its services. If your customer bought one of your newest products, thank him for that as well and let him know that due to his contribution you’re forecasting good sales for your latest item.


Customers are more likely to patronize your business if they feel that they are valued by the company they bought products from. If you let them know that due to their purchases or participation in customer feedback surveys your company is doing better then they’ll feel a direct impact on your success, which will then make them feel more valuable.

Letter writing

Think about Future Involvement

Always end your letter with a note to your customer expressing that you are looking forward to communicating with them in the near future. If the purpose of the letter is to thank him for participating in customer feedback then tell him that you hope he participates in future surveys.


If the customer made a large purchase then tell him that you hope he keeps patronizing your business. Telling your customers that you wish for them to keep on buying from you or participating in your surveys could convince them to be loyal to your company.


So, if you really want your customers to feel special it’s always a great idea to send them a real letter. Despite it being old-fashioned, a letter’s personal touch will always trump an email or a social media post.

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