Landscaping Basics: Using Evergreens for Your Garden

Gardening and landscaping are not only about putting random plants in an area. These endeavors are also a form of art where you can mix and match different plants to achieve a specific aesthetic goal. In this regard, you can expect that there are a lot of choices to look at, and sometimes, these may overwhelm you. Thankfully, some plants can suit any landscaping theme and will still look good regardless of the season. These plants are called evergreens.

Evergreens are a popular choice of plants when it comes to landscaping because of their timelessness. Even during winter, these plants provide a pleasant backdrop. The shrubs and trees act as an additional layer of privacy screen for your home. While these plants are flexible, many homeowners still have a hard time using them. These are some things you need to keep in mind if you want to use evergreens efficiently, as advised by a leading landscape designer in Spokane, WA.

Line your garden with evergreens

If you have a large garden, it means that you have a large perimeter to cover. You will want these sides to be beautifully covered so that you will get more layers of privacy. Lining the edge with trees and bushes is a good idea. Mid-size pine trees suit vast gardens. Planting bird’s nest spruce outside the fence will highlight the outline of your garden. You may want to plant some flowers at regular intervals.

Use evergreens to create the perfect garden background

Gardens are a home’s haven, which is why many people add features, such as patio and sunrooms, in these areas. If you want to make your garden more calming, you have to create the perfect backdrop. You can do this by planting tall plants with deep green shades. Add some colorful contrasts by planting flowers, such as daisies and dandelions. You can even use your arbor area; it looks better with tall grasses.

Use them to cover your home’s base

Your home’s foundations will undergo a lot of changes, and the deterioration may be visible as time passes by. To cover them up, you may place some shrubs in front of them. Low evergreens, such as blue spruce, will make the right choice. Be mindful of watering the plants, as the moisture may reach the foundations and even add to its existing damage.

Create a pathway

Garden path

The pathway in your garden may lead to a sunroom, an outdoor fire pit, or a shed. Regardless of where it is going, the path will look much better if you line it with bushes and low evergreens. Add variety by planting flowers between them.

Gardening and landscaping efforts will always involve evergreens. They are a popular choice among gardeners and landscape artists because of their flexibility. While these plants are adaptable and can suit any aesthetic theme, you may still want to come up with a comprehensive plan to ensure that you can make the most of these plants. Better yet, consider enlisting the help of a reliable landscape designer.

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