Making Your Dream Home with the Right Interior Design Choices

Finding or building your dream home comes with a lot of headaches. But at the end of the day, it will all be worth it. After all, this little space is your sanctuary.

Once you have landed on the right deal—may it be a raw land or a cozy flat—you would have to delve into the design elements of your forever home. There is more to interior designing than just throwing pieces of furniture in your home.  It is also not limited to the color schemes.

Interior design is not just an art. One has to apply science to make the different elements come together to make a house into a home. It is not only a matter of aesthetics but also of comfort. Let’s take a closer look at the things that will make your dream home.

  • Interior Color Schemes – There have been some studies that have been published about the effects of colors on the human psyche. Although there were no conclusive results, the psychology of color has been applied to residential and commercial buildings. This principle is evident in a hospital’s color scheme.

You can also adopt the psychology of color in your dream home. Usually, interior designers avoid using dark colors in rooms that receive little light. This will give the room an almost dungeon-like feel. On the other side of the color spectrum, the use of light colors in a room will make it airier.

2019 article mentioned that people often choose neutral colors to avoid offending anyone. With proper guidance, you can tastefully add bold colors to your home. A great example would be painting your dining room walls with red and then tempering it by painting the crown molding with white.

Overall Layout

Color schemes are not the only factor that you need to consider when creating your dream home. You must also take the physical layout into account. This design element will also determine your place’s overall look.

Currently, open floor plans are all the rage right now. It does not only work well in offices, but it can be beneficial for your home too. Adopting this layout in your kitchen or the living room creates a welcoming vibe. However, this setup can lessen privacy.

Meanwhile, choosing a closed floor plan will give you some design leeway. Each room can have a particular character that distinguishes it from other parts of the house.

interior design

Unique trinkets

The color scheme, layout, and even the pieces of furniture must have a united look. But adding some funky knickknack will give your home some attitude. This may come in the form of an exotic souvenir or your grandmother’s porcelain doll or even that neon red lamp from a garage sale.

When doing this, you must remember not to overdo it. Stuffing your house with curious items might drown out the overall theme. However, picking one or two items would give that much-needed quirk. This will make the house your home.

Overall Cohesiveness

Even if every room in your house has its unique characteristics, there must be one element that ties it all together. This will not only make it aesthetically pleasing but also comfortable. More importantly, your home will not end up looking like a hot mess.

One good way of doing this is to use the same type of flooring material for the entire house. Of course, this will not include the restrooms. If you are using carpet in your living room, you should use the same material for all the bedrooms. If you are using tiles, then you should have the same-colored tiles for the rest of the house.

Then there is your home’s overall vibe. If you have chosen a rustic cabin feel, then you should pick pieces of furniture that match that particular theme. If you have a psychedelic ambiance in your home, then the color schemes for all rooms must have that same feel.

The correct color scheme will not only bring light to a dim room, but it will also make a small one appear bigger than it really is. Arranging the pieces of furniture to follow the floor plan would reinforce your home’s overall vibe. Adding that unconventional bit of decoration would give your house some character.

With professional guidance, you can artistically combine all of these elements. You just need to devote some time and energy to this project because the result will astound you. With proper care, it might even turn out to be your forever home

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