Improve Insulation and Energy Efficieny with These Home Improvements

Are your utility bills going up unusually high? If you also experience colder winters and warmer rooms, then the problem could be your home insulation. When your home's internal temperature is not right, you tend to use up more electronics and machines to make up for the gap. This can definitely hurt your wallet every month. 


A better way to solve this is to fix the root of the problem. A one-time and permanent fix will seem costly, but this will actually make you save more in the long-run.


Get a new siding

Better insulation is all about keeping the outside elements from going in, and that starts with a good exterior. If your sidings are all worn out and have cracks in them, then it is time to get them replaced. This is one of the first things you should consider because old siding can affect the entire home's temperature. 


When your siding is compromised, heat can escape from your home, which can be a problem as it can increase your utility bills. Because rooms are not being heated or cooled to their desired temperature, your insulating systems would need extra work. This can be a problem because they will consume more energy and break down faster. It also makes winters a lot colder.


Getting a new siding is not just about replacement but also finding the best material. It would vary depending on your area since some states experience harsher weather than most. To really get an idea of what is best, you can consult siding installers on that. Most would say vinyl, but steel and special fiber cement can be good for certain conditions, too.


Install window panels

It’s also possible that cracks underneath and around your window are what is the problem. They create a draft that allows too much air to escape. Installing a window panel will greatly reduce this. Aside from that, these panels serve various functions that can help control the amount of external heat that goes in. 


For instance, these can reduce the UV rays that enter your home. Not only does this make your rooms warmer, but it can also damage furniture and wooden structures. Sunlight breaks bonds and fades their color, making them look like they were bleached out. That’s why most homes would have covering to prevent light from getting in.


There are special insulating window panels that are designed to maintain room temperatures. Otherwise, normal curtains are also good, but make sure you get ones with the right material, such as heavyweight cotton. 


Insulate your systems

Your equipment and systems need to be insulated as well. Things like HVAC and water heaters can become less efficient if you don’t put enough covering over them. This results in increased energy consumption and reduced efficiency.


New water heaters won’t need any additional insulation yet, but older ones require an extra layer. This can reduce standby heat loss by as much as 2 to 45 percent. What people do is make jackets for them using insulating blankets and duct tape. You can DIY this or buy pre-cut jackets.


HVAC systems can also benefit from insulating material that can prevent heat loss. Insulating this is a lot easier, though, and you need to work on the ductwork. With this, you can use tin foil and duct tape to wrap around them. This can last for a long time, and once they start looking old and crumpled, you can start replacing them.


Seal your attics

If everything seems to be in order, then it could be your attic leaking air. Since it is at the topmost part of your house, it directly gets heat from the sun. That means that they can heat up a lot faster without the proper covering. During the winter, it can also accumulate moisture, which damages the overall foundation of your home. Heat buildup also causes shingles to crack and deteriorate.


Attic insulation comes in various materials. Fiberglass is one of the more popular options because it does not rot, unlike cellulose. However, it requires more layers to become more effective. These are best paired with spray foam because the foam can reach the edges and corners that the material cannot easily cover.


What some people also do is add darker panels on their roofs. This reduces the amount of heat that is absorbed, which also makes your attic feel cooler overall.

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