How To Maintain Clean Air Inside the House

Good indoor air quality (IAQ) at home has many benefits for the whole family, including reduced chances of getting sick, fewer sick days, lower maintenance costs, and better quality of life. If the air in your house is not very good right now, here are some things you can do to improve it:

1. Clean your air ducts

Over time, air ducts accumulate all sorts of contaminants, like pet dander, dust mites, mold spores, and the like. When left unclean for an extended period of time, these contaminants will end up circulating in the air, leading to respiratory symptoms and flaring up of allergies in the house’s occupants.

If it’s been a while since your air ducts were clean, hiring the best duct cleaning services in Denver or any other area should be your next move.

2. Replace air filters regularly

Just like air ducts, air filters collect contaminants from the air as your cooling or heating system operates, and leaving them dirty will have the same effects as mentioned before. Hence, it’s advisable to replace or clean your air filters at least once every three months. If you’ve been using your air conditioning frequently, such as in the summertime, you might want to increase the frequency to once a month.

3. Get your carpets professionally cleaned

carpet cleaning

Even if you vacuum your carpet regularly, it can only do so much to get rid of the deep-seated pollutants and allergens that are in your floors. Aside from vacuuming your carpet regularly, consider getting it professionally cleaned at least twice a year, especially if you have young children and pets.

4. Get rid of clutter

If you have a lot of clutter displayed in your house, they may be collecting more dust than necessary. Instead of having to dust or wipe these knick-knacks over and over again, just stick them in a box and store them in the closet.

5. Clean walls and ceilings

Although your walls and ceilings may appear “clean,” they may have a thin layer of dust that is contributing to the house’s poor IAQ. At least once in a while, take a damp rag and wipe your walls to get rid of lingering dust and germs.

6. Maintain normal humidity

A house’s humidity level should be around 30-50% only. More than that, the environment is conducive to the growth of mold and dust mites.

7. Wash beddings and drapes

Make it a point to wash beddings, drapes, furniture covers, and other fabrics in the house regularly using mild detergent. This will help get rid of dust and reduce the number of allergens circulating in the air and on surfaces.

8. Fix plumbing leaks

As soon as you see a leak in the house, have the hole patched or sealed immediately. Letting moisture accumulate in an area can promote the growth of mold, which can cause severe health problems for your family.

Improving the indoor air quality in your home should be a priority, especially if you have household members with compromised respiratory systems. Following these tips is a good start.

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