For The Family: Make Your Car Kid-friendly

Does your child always moan and complain in the backseat? Many children find cars boring and uncomfortable. They have to stay still and do nothing as the scenery passes by outdoors. It can be even worse when you bring them along for a long trip. It is a good idea then to upgrade your car to be more kid-friendly. Here are some things that you can buy that will fit right in and help keep your child happy in the backseat.

Child Seat

If your young one is a baby or a toddler, one of your first purchases should be a child seat. It is also essential since it can provide your child with a layer of safety. Ordinary car seats are not for really young children, and it can be dangerous to plop them down on one. A safety seat provides toddlers with a more comfortable perch while securing them from all the bumps.

As your child grows, you should have different seats for your child. Start with the rear-facing seat so that their head and neck have full protection from crashes and the like. For children who reach the weight of 22 lbs., a forward-facing seat is the next step and is for non-toddlers. As children grow older, a booster seat is then the next option. Finally, the car’s seat belts should be enough to keep them safe when they reach the required age.

Entertainment Devices

One common complaint among children about cars is that they have nothing to do. While you may think your car radio is enough, children need something much more interactive or exciting. Installing entertainment devices in your backseat can help with this hole in your child’s amusement.

The popular choice is to have a portable DVD player mounted on the seats. All you have to do is pop in a DVD, and you can have children happily watching their favorite shows or movies in no time. If you have enough of them, you can entertain a child for hours. Buy extra headphones so that your child can enjoy the movie without disturbing you. The popularity of DVD players is high enough that many car manufacturers have them as part of the car sales package.

Besides the DVD player, you can also get your children a mobile tablet or gadget, so they could have something to do in the car. Pre-load it with educational games and apps so that you can have full control over what they are playing. You can even make the tablet operate in offline mode so that they don’t go online. These games should engage your child for some time and can even help with their mental development.

Comfort Items

There are several items that you can get for your children that will make the backseat much more comfortable for them. One complaint that you will hear a lot from your kids is that they are too cold or too hot. High temperatures are easy to solve with the air conditioner, but cold can be a problem. You could have faux mink blankets ready in the back seat. These are very comfortable and very warm, which makes them perfect for your children. They might even fall asleep under them. Besides blankets, you should seriously pack a pillow or two for additional relaxation. You can even bring along a stuffed animal so that they can cuddle up.

Food Tray

driving a car

Your child will get hungry, and you do not want a mess in the car. The best way to solve this issue is to place car trays where you ould place drins and meals behind the car seats. If you have snacks for them, then you can easily lay it out. You can prepare healthy meals for your kids so you won’t have to order takeout meals. You could also set down various items such as books and toys crayons. The tray also prevents toys and books cluttering the car.

You could also prepare drinks as car trays often have a drink holder. Have water bottles ready in the vehicle too, so you won’t have to buy drinks in plastic bottles and cups. Encourage your children to drink water and bring water bottles everywhere they go.

Making a car comfortable for your children is not that difficult. With some investment and good choices, your child will enjoy a ride in your car with no problems.

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