Five Ways to Revamp Your Commercial Building

Since commercial buildings are open 24 hours a day, they experience a fair share of wear and tear, and over time, they can get dilapidated if not properly maintained. The interior and exterior of the building get worn out over time and it will become aesthetically unappealing. When this happens, rentals will drop because your tenants will start looking for a new building. If you happen to have employees of your own, their moral will also drop because nobody wants to work in a dilapidated place. Your building needs a revamp.

Effective but Cost-Efficient Upgrades

Ultimately, revamping your building would depend on your budget. If you move for a huge upgrade, naturally, you would spend more. Often, a small and incremental upgrade is enough to keep your building looking like new all the time. Here are some upgrade ideas that are budget-friendly to inspire you.

Upgrade the wiring

Upgrading the electrical wiring is a legal requirement to meet current safety standards. In this case, you’ll need the help of a commercial electrician. In Utah, for instance, they have strict rules concerning electrical safety. That’s why you need the help of a professional electrician when you revamp the electrical wiring of your building. But upgrading your electrical wiring is not only for legal compliance. There are actually a lot of benefits to it, particularly because, we are not in an age when technology has taken over almost everything in our lives. If your current wiring is not up to date, you could be endangering your building and everything in it.

Install LED lights

If you have an old building, installing LED will breathe a new life to it. Older buildings tend to be dark and dull because it has lesser windows. It makes the workplace dingy looking and totally unattractive. But LED lighting has been proven to make the room brighter a lesser power overhead. It is also cost-effective because it lasts longer than traditional lighting bulbs.

Improve the landscaping

You can’t limit revamping with just the interior of the building. Your landscaping is the face of your building and here, you also need to do some upgrade. Visitors whether potential clients or current customers will make a good impression of your building if the landscaping is properly upgraded. Make sure to enlist the help of a professional landscaper to help you decide which grass, shrubs and trees to plant.

Use a lot of glass

glass commercial building

Installing glass will instantly give your building a modern look. It will also make it look larger because it reflects light. Since glass does not corrode, you can expect to be using this material for longer periods. Again, make sure that your installer is a professional because glass can easily break when not installed properly.

Small incremental upgrades give a touch of life to an otherwise dilapidated building. This approach is cost-effective because you don’t need to spend a lot compared to making a huge upgrade. Make sure to discuss with your tenants before making any revamp because they will be affected by your decision.

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