Maintaining a Clean Office Space Amid the Pandemic

If your office is not open yet and still ensures the safe return of your employees after months of lockdown, it is necessary to follow some steps to ensure a clean and safe environment for them. Your responsibility is to provide a way for them to make their transition into in-person work as easy and convenient as possible.

Maintaining a professional and organized work environment during the pandemic can cause businesses and corporations to spend a lot of money. They also need to come up with strategies for keeping their office clean.

Why should you make an effort?

Reduced Risk of COVID-19 and Other Viruses

From what we have learned during the pandemic, cleanliness and a healthy environment can reduce the risk of the virus. With the threats looming around us, a dirty and poorly maintained working area can make the virus spread rapidly. The germs collected on the office equipment and furniture can also be a factor, which is why every single thing should be sanitized.

A More Organized Space

According to a survey by Office Max, 77% of Americans feel like disorganization harms their productivity, while 53% say disorganization affects their motivation. A cluttered space can cause stress. You’ll spend extra effort trying to find things on your desk, and it can affect your productivity. With clean office space, you’ll be able to tackle these problems better.

Functional Equipment and Office Supplies

Maintaining a clean space goes beyond proper storage and clean desks. It can also prolong printer, computers, and fax machine longevity. These types of equipment require maintenance, and in doing so, can result in less breakage.

working from home

Tips for Office Organization

Keeping the workplace clean is more than wiping desks with a used rag. As we combat the risks of the pandemic, a stricter and thorough cleaning is needed. Here are some simple tips to follow for keeping your working area clean.

  • Set a Cleaning Schedule

Hold a meeting for your employees to clean the desk and office spaces. You can also send this via group email or through other communication platforms. Tell them that there will be strict guidelines they need to follow when they go back to their working area.

Set a schedule for your employees to have a flexible shift so there can be a limited capacity within the office to keep the cleanliness. You can set guidelines for them to clean their offices before they go home from work. You can also set rules of washing their hands before and after breaks, being fully vaccinated before going to work, and even sanitizing their tables before heading home.

You may want to hire an expert like a professional cleaning company to deep clean your office. Professional services can ensure that your office will be ready for work.

  • Put Up Daily Reminders

It’s a good idea to put signage as a reminder do you were employees of the rules and regulations laid down by your company. It can be displayed in the office or sent through communication platforms. Be sure to put it in a spot or other relevant areas where it can be easily noticed.

  • Use Proper Storage for Everything

Resist putting things aside and whenever possible, file your documents right away rather than putting them aside to deal with it later. It can be a key to maintaining a good and clean space while having a good filing system at the same time.

Provide your workers with filing cabinets or closets with shelves. You can place files, stationery, and other office supplies to prevent clutter. You can also use digital paper to reduce contact with other people and lessen the amount of paper you must manage. It will also be easier to access the files and keep them in your database.

  • Stock on Cleaning Supplies

Stocking on cleaning supplies is more important than ever due to the pandemic. People can be messy regardless of how careful they can be, so keeping cleaning supplies in your office is a good way for them to be able to clean after themselves. Be sure to have alcohol bottles displayed in every walking area, sanitary wipes available in the kitchen pantry, and cleaning solution solutions to clean up any spills and food during breaks.

An upgraded ventilation system is also a great addition to your office to prevent indoor air allergies and viruses like COVID-19. The latter can be transmitted when people breathe in air contaminated by small airborne particles that contain the virus. Meanwhile, indoor air allergies can be a problem for many people. Some symptoms are a stuffy nose, headaches, and a sore throat.

Keeping your workplace well-organized and clean creates a healthy environment for your employees. With these simple steps, you’ll also reduce sick days and increase productivity in your office.

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