11 Go-To Topics for Construction-Related Blogs

If you are a contractor, don’t think that you already have all the tools and equipment you need to make your business successful.

One of the most powerful marketing tools today is content marketing. This type of marketing is heavily dependent on blogs and articles that utilize SEO keywords that help bring traffic to their blog sites and websites. This traffic generates awareness about their different products and services.

Whether you’re a starting general contractor in Salt Lake City or a veteran engineer in Tampa Bay, online content marketing is good for your business.

11 Ideas and Topics to Write About for Construction-Related Blogs

Now you may ask, how do you know what to write about? Isn’t maintaining a blog site equally taxing especially if you keep talking about the same things over and over again?

Blogging can be a struggle sometimes, especially if you run out of ideas or things to write about. Fortunately, we have compiled a list of go-to, no-fail topic ideas for blogs and articles.

1. Present and upcoming trends

It’s always good to keep your readers in the loop of what’s hot today and what the projected trends are for the near future.

2. Different types of…

Give your readers a wide range of options to choose from and to consider. Whether it’s a type of design or building material, knowing the advantages and disadvantages of different options empower your readers to make better decisions.

3. How-to’s

Learning how to do things is always fun. It gives folks added practical knowledge (especially DIY and hacks articles) that they can use at home or work.

4. Safety procedures

When it comes to building and construction, safety is paramount. Giving your readers the necessary information on safety protocols can help save them from injury or something far worse.

5. Technology

Talk about the latest technological breakthroughs and innovations that can make building and construction, and ultimately, people’s lives easier.

6. Building codes

Different places have different building codes you need to comply with. It is best to know what the legal provisions are so you don’t waste your precious resources.

7. FAQs

Addressing common construction-related questions are very helpful for your readers and newbies to the industry.

8. Comparison blogs

Dissecting the pros and cons of different things comparatively gives lets the reader judge which is the better choice according to their needs and preferences.

9. Projects showcase

A good blog topic to write about that promotes your accomplishments is a project showcase blog. Talk about your past projects and successes and the stories behind them.

10. Seasonal topics

person writing a blog

Talk about the advantages of house-hunting in winter or how to liven up the backyard for summer barbecues. Different seasons bring different activities and ideas. Take advantage of the changes in the seasons to add variety to your topics.

11. Personal posts

What better way for your readers and clients to get to know you more than personal blog posts. You can take a break from the usual articles and talk about yourself, your career, your journey and growth, anything about you. This lets your readers see the human side of your business which makes it easy for them to relate with.

Your blog and your site is an extension of you and your company. The more interesting content people see on your blog, the more available content can be found by new readers. And the more new readers you get, the wider your reach becomes which can potentially turn them into new customers.

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