Travelling Solo For the First Time? What You Need to Do

What would you do if you won a round trip ticket to an all-expense paid with pocket money trip one day? But here is the catch: you will travel alone. Would you accept it, shop for clothes, pack your things and head straight to the airport? Or would you turn down the offer outright because traveling by your lonesome is not only scary but perturbing?

Traveling alone or solo travel is now a trend, thanks to the shift of attitude of millennial travelers. Statistics have shown that countries are expanding their services and security measures to suit solo travelers, encouraging more people ti do it.

  • There is a 42 percent increase in bookings for solo travel since 2015
  • Female solo bookings have registered 45 percent growth in bookings, while only 40 percent was male bookings
  • 23 percent of travelers are thinking of going solo trip.
  • 72 percent of American female have taken a solo vacation
  • For every six people, one has already taken a holiday alone
  • In 2019, Solo travel was the number one trend.
  • 25 percent of millennials residing in the US intend to travel solo in the next 12 months.

But aside from this, many see traveling alone as a time to meditate and learn something new. Travelers cited the following reasons for their choice.

  • Freedom to go anywhere they want without having to worry about their companion
  • It boosted their self-confidence
  • It brought out their resourcefulness, self-reliance, and creativity
  • You can focus on the moment
  • You can engage more with locals.

Solo travel is gaining ground and followers. Many see the benefits of the experience, but how do you make sure your trip alone will be safe? Here are things you should do.

Keep emergency number

Keep a file of important contact details in case of emergencies like the local consulate and embassy addresses. Likewise, inform your family or friends of your travel details like hotel, flight schedule, and hotel contact details. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Do not overstuff your luggage


Heavy baggage is sure to slow you down. Travel light by bringing only the most essential items. Bring a backpack for faster mobility.

Prioritize your reservations

Making reservations ahead of your travel ensures a smooth and pleasant experience. Hotel reservations secure your accommodation. Purchasing your tickets ahead of time would save you a lot of time from waiting in line. Besides, queuing is not exactly fun without a friend in tow.

Stay positive and be prepared

Maybe you wanted to prove to yourself that you can do it on your own. However, there are occasions that it is more advantageous to go with the group, especially when sightseeing. There are custom tour buses that offer group tours. Consider their offer. You may be surprised by the low price or discounts for several bookings.

Always ask for help

Consider seeking travel advice, information, and tips from your friends who had been to the same place prior to you. The information you could gather would prove valuable while you are by yourself.

Bring medication you might need

Sickness could immobilize you, thus preventing you from enjoying your travel to the fullest. Bring medicines for fever, headache, diarrhea, dizziness, and muscle sores. Bring prescription medication and check your destination where you could buy them.

Budget properly

woman counting money

Nothing ruins even the most carefully planned trip than running out of cash. Check your funds before hopping into that plane. Browse online for prices of hotels, restaurants, transportation, sightseeing tours, and other events you intend to attend. Confirm whether these establishments accept credit cards. Avoid bringing a large amount of money. Tourists are easy prey for holdups.

Prepare an itinerary and let staff know

Going solo without an itinerary is like driving without a map. List all the places you wanted to visit and activities you plan to do in the coming days. Be clear on your purpose. Taking time to be alone, even in the company of fellow travelers, could give you more opportunities to seize the moment.

Stay sober

Your newfound independence may overwhelm you. But remember it has its price. Losing control of yourself due to drinking too much is a surefire way to shatter your plans. Set your phone alarm to remind you that it is time to go.

Follow local safety measures

Solo tourists could often be the target victim of many criminals, so you need to know the number of the local police. Stay away from deserted and dark places at night. Double-check the lock of your room hotel before leaving and upon return. Deposit valuables to the customer service or reception if no safe vault was installed in your room.

Going solo on travel is definitely daunting, but it can be an exciting and life-changing trip too. You are bound to commit mistakes along the way. But it is also a gratifying and rewarding adventure when you are able to conquer your fears. Your biggest takeaway is this: Being alone doesn’t mean being lonely.

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