Trauma Recovery: Helping Your Loved One Get Back on Their Feet

Emotional trauma can hit even the best of us. There are events in life that we don’t expect, and because of that, they shake us to our very core. Even your loved ones can experience such and hurt them deeply. Everyone has different rates and ways of recovery from it. Some people will even need someone else to be with them. If your loved one requires your help, then you can assist them through it by keeping these things in mind.

Recovery Takes Time, Space, and Effort

Any healing will take time, space, and effort. In your mind, you might be expecting your loved one to get back quickly, but they might not do it at the same rate you might. In that case, you will need to assist them in any way that you can. For example, if they’ve just received a house from another loved one of yours who has recently died and it is part of the trauma, then you can help look for buyers who say, “We buy inherited houses.”

Make a move to Understand

Emotional trauma isn’t always obvious when it comes to the signs, and so it can be hard to understand. Try reading up on what those are, and exercise your observational skills. It helps to trust your intuition when it comes to odd behavior as well. Don’t dismiss them when they’re trying to report what they’re experiencing, but don’t force them to talk, either. If you’re the one in their position, you’d want people to try to get to know you when you can’t express your feelings well.

Show Compassion

showing compassion

Words don’t always help when it comes to helping people get through their trauma. Often, they don’t need your advice, pep talk, and nagging to “get over it.” It can make them feel even weaker and more helpless than they already are. What they need more are ears to listen and shoulders to cry on. Continue to treat them well as you have them before the traumatic event. They need your kindness and compassion more than ever at this time.

Make Time for Yourself Too

Taking care of someone who is going through emotional trauma can also wear you out. Be aware of how you’re feeling as well while you’re helping them out. If you think that you need a break, then take it. You can better handle what they have to throw at you when you’re ready. It’s just like when it comes to swimming where until you can ensure that you can swim with someone in tow, you can’t go and try to save someone from drowning.

Always remember that getting back from the experience of trauma is different for everyone. Some people will get over it quickly, while some might seem to take forever. Some individuals will even become complicated as they go through the process. But even when it looks hopeless for your loved one to recover, you should keep on providing them with the love and understanding that they need.

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