Six Ways to Hurricane-proof Your Home

Florida is known as the Sunshine State because of its subtropical climate and average of 230 days with the sun shining brightly.

But historically, it has withstood more hurricanes than any other state in the U.S. That’s no surprise because of Florida’s location near the tropics. Storms across the Atlantic Ocean are driven to the state by currents and winds. Florida is also surrounded by warm waters, which strengthen hurricanes before landfall.

Here are essential steps to minimize the damage from hurricanes:

Keep your outdoors free of debris

Trim nearby trees and remove dead branches before the onslaught of a typhoon to prevent damage to your home as well as your neighbors’ houses. Remove lawn furniture, potted plants, and other loose objects outside that can be swept by strong winds. Heavy yard items can be anchored to the ground.

Protect your doors and windows

The most vulnerable parts of your home during a hurricane are doors and windows. If these are damaged, your house will be exposed to rain, wind, and flying debris. Protect your windows with storm shutters. You can also install plywood, but make sure it is appropriately placed so that it can hold up against hurricane winds.

Ensure the screws of your exterior door frames are tight. If you have a budget, think about purchasing wind-rated and impact-resistant doors. You should also pay attention to the garage door, which is often the weakest opening. Reinforce your garage door with a brace kit.

Check the integrity of the roof

Anyone who lives in the West Palm Beach area knows that strong hurricane winds and torrential downpour can wreak havoc on your roof, which is supposed to be your home’s first line of defense against external elements.

Before the hurricane season starts, make sure that your roof is sealed and secured. Consider installing wind-resistant fasteners and metal connectors in your attic to prevent strong winds from lifting the cover of your home.

You can also seek the help of roofing contractors to inspect your roof and perform necessary repairs.

Keep the gutters clean

cleaning the gutters

Even without an approaching storm, you should keep your gutters and downspouts clean to prevent drainage issues and potential flooding during heavy rain.

Caulk vulnerable areas

Caulking keeps rainwater out of your home and strengthens weak spots from high winds.

Caulk around all doors and windows as well as the edges of your house to keep out wind-driven rain. Don’t forget to also seal gaps or holes around pipes or wires as well as chimneys and roof penetrations.

Have backup power

The probability of power outages during major storms in the South Florida area is high. A standby generator, although costly, will help you keep safe and comfortable when the power goes out.

Equipping your home with backup power will let you keep your lights on, television and Wi-Fi network working, and heating and air-conditioning systems running.

Homeowners in Florida know that hurricane season—which happens from late August to early October—can get rough at times. Strengthening your home against destructive storms can prevent costly damage and stress.

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