Pigeons in Your Home: What You Need to Know

• Pigeons can be a problem for homeowners, and they must be aware of their risks.

• Pigeons are attracted to food sources, human-made structures, and natural features.

• Contact with pigeon droppings can lead to diseases like E. coli, salmonella, psittacosis, and cryptococcosis.

• Pigeons can also carry other infectious diseases like avian flu and parasites such as ticks and fleas that can transmit Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

• Taking proactive measures to keep your home pigeon-free is essential, such as improving roofing and installing physical barriers that can keep your free home from pigeons.

Have you ever noticed an increased presence of pigeons around your home? If so, then you’re not alone. Pigeons are a common problem for many homeowners, and they must be aware of their risks. To help protect your home and family life, here’s a look at why pigeons show up near your home and what you can do about them.

What Attracts Pigeons?

Pigeons are attracted to your property because of the food and shelter that it provides. They will build nests in sheltered areas or nooks, such as roofs or ledges. Additionally, pigeons are attracted to food sources like birdseed or pet food left outdoors, human-made structures like benches or statues, and natural features such as trees or shrubs. All of these create an inviting environment for pigeons to make their homes.

Health Risks Associated with Pigeons

There are also various health risks associated with pigeons. Here are some of those health risks:

Pigeon Droppings & Disease

The most common health risk associated with pigeons is a disease transmitted through contact with their droppings. These droppings contain E. coli, salmonella, psittacosis, and cryptococcosis-all potentially harmful bacteria or fungi that can cause severe illnesses in humans if left untreated.

In addition, pigeon droppings also contain allergens that can cause respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis in people exposed to them.

A man coughing hard

Infectious Diseases

Pigeons can also carry other infectious diseases like avian flu, which has been known to spread from birds to humans. Avian flu causes symptoms similar to regular flu, but it’s more severe and can sometimes lead to death.

This virus is hazardous for children whose immune systems are not yet fully developed. Adults must take precautions when handling or coming into contact with pigeons, especially if children are around.

Parasites & Insects

In addition to the diseases mentioned above, pigeons may also carry parasites such as ticks and fleas which can transmit other illnesses like Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever if they come into contact with humans. There have even been reports of pigeon mites infesting homes after nesting in attics or walls and causing uncomfortable skin reactions in people living inside the affected areas.

How Can I Keep My Home Pigeon-Free?

The best way to prevent pigeon infestations is by taking proactive measures before they become a problem in the first place. Here are some of those ways.

A man renovating a roof

Improved Roofing

One of the easiest ways pigeons can enter your home is through cracks or holes in the roof. Make sure to repair any existing damage and inspect the perimeter regularly for new ones. Consider hiring experienced roofing contractors to do this for you. This can also help you identify any other weak areas in your roof that could be vulnerable to other pests.

Make Your Home Uninviting to Pigeons

You can also make your home less inviting for pigeons by eliminating their food sources, such as bird feeders or pet food left outdoors. In addition, ensure all garbage cans have tight-fitting lids and keep all doors and windows closed when not in use.

Install Physical Barriers

Physical barriers such as netting, spikes, or screens can also prevent pigeons from your home. This is especially useful if you have trouble spots around the perimeter of your property that are difficult to monitor. Make sure to choose materials that are safe for animals and children.

Rely on Professional Pest Control Services

Finally, if all else fails, you can always rely on professional pest control services to help remove pigeons from your property. These professionals can provide more thorough treatments and removal solutions than DIY methods, making them a reliable resource for keeping your home pest-free.

With the proper measures, you can keep your home and family safe from the potential health risks associated with pigeons. Remember to act quickly if you see any signs of a pigeon infestation, as this will help ensure that your home is protected and a pleasant and healthy environment for you and your family.

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