How to Plan a Successful Team Building Event

Every boss knows that a successful team building event will be beneficial not only to the company but to the employees as well. That’s because employees are the lifeblood of a business, and their well-being should be the top priority.

A team building activity is the best way to increase the happiness, satisfaction, and productivity of your employees. A lot of studies have proven that team building events promote creativity, leadership, teamwork, and several other important employee traits.

Whether this is your first time holding a team building event for your employees or you’ve done it multiple times, the planning stage can be tricky. Here are some tips to help you organize a successful team building event:


When planning an event, you need to know why you’re doing it or what you’re doing it for. Having this clear goal in mind will help you align your activities and programs accordingly. For example, if you just want to organize a fun weekend getaway for your employees, then you can think of specific destinations or activities to do to fulfill your end goal. Or if you want to encourage your team to work better together, you can set up specific games or activities that will promote collaboration and teamwork.

Before anything else, remind yourself of the purpose of the event. That way, you’ll be sure to organize it accordingly in order to meet your end goal.


This is probably the trickiest part of the planning phase. You might want to give your employees a sophisticated vacation, but your company can’t afford it. You need to determine your budget first in order to plan out your activities, set your location, book your caterers, etc. Allocate a specific amount of money you can afford to spend on the event. Then make a list of all your expenses. That way, you won’t run the risk of spending too much.

Consider your attendees


Organizing a sports fest for your employees might seem like a good idea. But you have to consider the fact that not everyone will be inclined to sports. You have to keep all your attendees in mind. Think of an event that everyone will enjoy and be able to participate in.

It would help to ask for your employees’ opinions. Set up a feedback mechanism that will enable them to give their ideas on a team-building activity. After all, this event is for them, so you have to give them what they want.

Set the date

No matter how fun your team building activity sounds, some employees might not be willing to commit their entire weekend to attend it. Remember that they also have responsibilities outside of work. Chances are, most have families to attend to.

Choose a date that will be suitable for you and your employees. If possible, schedule the team building event on workdays. It won’t hurt to take a few hours off of work to give your employees the break they deserve.

With your busy schedule, it’s understandable that you might not have the time to focus on planning your event. In that case, you can get the help of trusted corporate event planning companies in Kansas City and other places to organize a successful team building event for your employees. Knowing that it is an important and beneficial activity, there’s no harm in investing time and money in making sure the event is successful.

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