How to Deter Burglars From Your Business

One concern for entrepreneurs is the safety of their business. A robbery–big or small–is a devastating event for a business because it feels like their hard-earned cash and precious belongings disappear into thin air.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, only 1 out of 6 robberies end with arresting the burglar. Burglars also tend to rob the same place twice.

So, ensuring the safety of your business should be one of your priorities to save you from future heartache. Here are four steps on how to keep burglars away from your establishment:

Put lights around the establishment

Burglars usually avoid illuminated areas because it reduces their chances of not being seen. Therefore, just by having a well-lit establishment, you can turn off burglars, and your business will most likely be off their list of potential robberies.

Lighting also allows your CCTV cameras to capture better quality videos to identify better people passing by the establishment. Moreover, neighbours can easily spot suspicious behaviour around the area because everything will be visible.

Install alarms and safes

Alarms cause panic in robbers because it automatically notifies the neighbours and authorities that something suspicious is taking place. These security systems are set up to detect unexpected and unwanted movements within the establishment. One of their advantages is that they automatically notify nearby officers to respond to your business and take appropriate and immediate actions.

A safe is essential for your business as it safely stores essential and private documents, money, and other high-value objects. If you choose the right one, a safe can protect your valuables from burglars as well as fires. It’s also additional protection from burglars because of the individual and unique code.

Exterior security devices

Security devices like a CCTV Camera can help you before, during, and after the burglary. You can spot suspicious people right before they commit crimes, and as a result, you can take necessary actions to avoid incidents.

CCTV cameras can record the entire robbery for police evidence. It can also capture the faces of robbers or any physical identifiers that can be used as leads for investigation.

Use durable doors and windows

Burglar breaking into a house window with a crowbar

The main rule is burglars can’t rob when they’re locked out. This is why this should be the top priority of businesses. Burglars should have the hardest time penetrating the building to keep them from infiltrating the establishment.

One way to do this is to get hardy high-speed rapid roll doors. Roll-up doors are safer than typical wood or glass doors. One, roll-up doors don’t use doorknobs which are too easy to destroy. Two, they’re not fragile like glass. Three, roll-up doors are made of high-grade metal that is not easily broken into.

For businesses that involve high-value items like huge amounts of money or jewellery, it’s best to pick out glass windows that cannot be broken easily and can take extreme force. There are thicker glasses that you can get from your manufacturer.

Investing in security measures is essential for a business. Burglars can strike anytime, and it’s best to be ready at all costs.

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