Making Your Health Facility Feel More Personal

Health facilities can often feel cold and impersonal. This is especially true if the space is large and clinical looking. However, you can do a few things to make your health facility feel more personal. In this article, we will discuss three ways to achieve this goal.

Dental clinic interior

Add personal touches

One way to make your health facility feel more personal is to add personal touches. This could include things like photos, plants, or artwork. You could also try to keep the décor neutral and calming to feel like a relaxing oasis away from home. By adding these personal touches, you can make patients and their families feel more welcome and comfortable in your space.

Be available to patients and families

Another way to make your health facility feel more personal is to be available to patients and their families. This means being available to answer any questions or concerns they may have. You can also provide them with information about the health facility, its services, and how to access them. Doing this can help patients and families feel more comfortable and connected to your health facility.

Keep the décor neutral and calming so that patients feel at ease

When designing a health facility, keeping the décor neutral and calming is important. Patients need to feel at ease to get the most out of their visit. If the space is cluttered or too colorful, it can be overwhelming and distracting for patients. Keeping the décor neutral and calming can help patients feel more comfortable and relaxed in your health facility.

Have a seating area where patients and their families can relax

A seating area can be a great way to make your health facility feel more personal and welcoming. By having a place where patients and their families can relax, they will feel more comfortable and ease in your space. This can help them get the most out of their visit and encourage them to come back in the future. In addition, a seating area can be a great place for patients and families to chat with one another, which can help build community among your patients.

Use signage that is easy to understand

When designing signage for your health facility, it is important to use wording that is easy to understand. This is because patients need to quickly and easily find their way around your space. If the signage is confusing or hard to read, it can add to the confusion and anxiety that some patients may already be feeling. Using clear and concise signage can help patients feel more comfortable and at ease in your health facility.

Play calming music in the waiting room

Playing music in a waiting room offers two major benefits. One, it can reduce perceived waiting time, and two, it lulls you (and your family) into calmer moods.

Reduce the resentment that might develop from feeling like you are always kept waiting – because studies have shown that we may feel our wait has been ridiculously long, even if it hasn’t.

The second benefit is that once everyone’s in a good mood – the patients and their families – the staff are more likely to be as well. And we know that when the staff is happy, they provide better service to patients.

Always have convenient tools and equipment they can use

Having convenient tools and equipment available for patients can make their visit to your health facility much easier. This could include things like a meal delivery cart, which can help patients get the food they need without leaving the room. You could also provide things like wheelchairs or walkers so that patients can get around easily. By providing these tools and equipment, you can make patients’ lives easier and help them get the most out of their visit.

Keep the waiting area clean and organized

One way to make your health facility feel more personal is to keep the waiting area clean and organized. This means making sure that the space is clean and clutter-free and that all necessary equipment is easily accessible. Doing this can help patients feel more comfortable and at ease in your health facility.


Health care facilities are places where patients and their families come for help, guidance, or treatment. You want to make sure that your facility is a welcoming place for all of these people. The tips we’ve provided can be used in the design phase and after you open so that everyone who visits feels comfortable and at ease while they’re there.

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