Differentiating Between Five-Inch and Six-Inch Gutters

Proper gutter selection is based on a few factors, starting with climatic conditions and rainfall level. For most properties in Salt Lake City, regular 5-inch rain gutters are enough to cushion against water damage. However, 6-inch gutters are more suitable for certain circumstances. The choice has not always been between the two sizes; the prominent gutter width about a century ago was four inches. Overflow problems prompted designers to increase their size. Professional installers of rain gutters in Salt Lake City know that both five- and six-inch gutters have their pros and cons. Here are some of the things you should know about them.

Five-Inch Rain Gutters

Five-inch gutters are common in homes and small business premises. These gutters will generally gather any amount of rainfall from the roof and drain it. In most instances, these gutters are combined with 2-inch by 3-inch downspouts and the drainage is sufficient. In case you need more drainage, you can use larger downspouts. A variety of colors and styles are available to cater for different user tastes and preferences. Aluminum and vinyl gutters are the most popular owing to their minimal maintenance requirements. For utmost visual appeal, five-inch rain gutters can be installed with concealed hangers.

Six-Inch Rain Gutters

A six-inch gutter is oversized so it is ideal for a home with a sizable roof. This gutter is also applicable in commercial and industrial buildings. Experiments show that six-inch gutters hold as much as 50% more water than five-inch gutters. Sometimes, the building design does not allow for the installation of downspouts. These six-inch gutters come in handy in such circumstances. Check the configuration of the roof. Is it too steep and high pitched? Installing an oversized gutter makes sense because the water flows fast and fills the gutters faster. A six-inch gutter also does a better job in roof configurations that have the rainwater collecting in one section. For the same reason related to the volume of water collected from the roof, a multi-level roofed property will need an oversized rain gutter.

Making the Best Decision

The style and size of your roof will determine which type or size of gutter you need to install. Anything that increases the volume or flow rate of rainwater points towards a larger gutter size. If your property has a large surface area, contact a company that specializes in gutters to have a 6-inch or larger rain gutter installed.

Asphalt and tile roofs are known for slow flows as compared to metal roofs. If your gutter extends for more than 40 feet between downspouts, you want to use six-inch gutters. In general, if you reside in an area prone to windy rain, or if your roof is slick and steep, 6-inch gutters would be appropriate. Otherwise, standard 5-inch gutters can do the job.


home's gutter

Guttering is an important aspect of any commercial or residential building. Keeping puddles off the building maintains the beauty of your property. It also keeps you at peace during the stormy season. Forget the dreary rainy days by having an expert install or repair your gutters today.

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