Cybersecurity: What You Need to Do Across All Your Devices

The world of computing during the 1980s or 1990s was a simpler yet exciting one. People were beginning to see how versatile the machines can be, letting them use a wide variety of programs. They originally were used mostly for business and scientific purposes, but they slowly have invaded the home with educational, creative, and entertaining applications. People gushed over full sets of encyclopedias stored in CDs; kids enjoyed creating digital art with programs like Paint and playing games with cutting-edge graphics. But even then, you should think of critical infrastructure security. Even without the Internet, your system can still get infected via floppy disks that have viruses in them.

Today, you need to have a more robust policy or system in place if you want to keep your computers secure. The Internet is a beacon of openness. But with that comes the danger of being infected by anyone connected to it. And that does not cover your PCs, but your smartphones as well. Here are things you need to do in the name of cybersecurity.

Home Computer

The typical household now would have at least one computer connected to the Internet. In this case, the machine would be used by different types of people, each with a different browsing behavior. If you want to safe from malware, there are ways to do that both on the hardware and software level.

Most ISPs provide a modem router so you can connect to their service. These have a built-in firewall that you can access through the device’s interface, which you can do by inputting its IP address on your browser. From there, you can turn the firewall on or off, or you can place unwanted sites in a blacklist.

In terms of software, operating systems like Windows already have a robust set of security features that can keep you safe from malware. If you want to add extra layers of safety, you can add an ad blocker to your browser. Malware could come in the form of a banner ad that you can easily click, so not letting them show up on web pages could significantly reduce your risk of being infected. You can still add your preferred third-party security program on top of them all for extra peace of mind.

Business or Work Computer

The great thing about working for an organization is that they usually have an extensive IT infrastructure. They have standardized policies for all of their computers, so you are assured that all that you need to keep it secured are installed there. You are required to comply with their rules and regulations for computer use. Breaking those could get you reprimanded, which is reasonable because you may have sensitive information that can be compromised.

Even with a corporate structure in place, there are still sites that fall through the cracks. So just the same, since you technically do not own the system, you should always avoid visiting websites that are not related to your work.


Holding smartphone

A smartphone’s accessibility works differently from a computer. Here, it operates mostly on a permission basis. That means that there is little chance to infiltrate it through backdoor means. Creators of malicious software then would think of ways to trick you into accepting to run an application. When your phone gets infected, you are mostly to blame. But that is not the only thing you have to worry about.

Phones running under iOS or Android would require their users to sync personal accounts so that their services can run smoothly. It is an ecosystem after all, and this ties up everything well. The intentions are good; syncing allows you to move from an old to a new phone seamlessly without having to do a manual backup. But there is always the risk of Apple’s or Google’s servers being compromised, as evidenced by numerous cloud hacks. The best measure that you can do is to constantly change your passwords, and avoid saving sensitive data to your phone.

Much of the world is connected to the Internet, and it has brought some great innovations. You can now conveniently shop, watch, or listen to any content on-demand, and communicate with your loved ones. But this convenience comes with dangers brought by malicious software. The best thing for you to do is be vigilant by arming yourself with the proper hardware or software and accessing only the most credible websites. You do not want to compromise when it comes to cybersecurity.

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