Buying Old Houses in the UK? Make These Changes ASAP

Nothing beats the charm and mystery of an old UK home. Think about the grand English manors and their sprawling gardens. Then there’s the cosy country or cottage house that seems to have come out straight from fairyland.

These types of houses are also getting fewer as development projects tear them down to usher new ones. In other words, they can still command an excellent market value.

Despite the glamour, many of these houses may need a second look or even repair. Otherwise, they won’t pass building codes and are unsafe to live in.

When remodelling an old English home, consider the following:

1. Plumbing

One of the first steps in renovating an old English house is to buy plastic drainage for sale online. There’s a good chance that the property still uses old and worn-out plumbing systems.

Using plastic pipes also has many benefits:

  • They can tolerate changes in temperature better.
  • They may handle shock resistance more efficiently.
  • They are cheaper and easier to work on than metal drainage systems.
  • They are more convenient to maintain and replace.

Ancient plumbing, meanwhile, uses metal pipes. Although they are durable, they can corrode over time and leak harmful chemicals into the network. They can affect the quality of water and, eventually, human and pet health.

The UK already banned lead pipes, but they may still be present in houses built in the 1970s and earlier. It’s also essential to let professional plumbers replace them. Lead soldering can even contaminate the water system.

2. Insulation

Many Victorian homes may have cavity walls. These refer to a pair of solid walls sandwiching a space where air can accumulate. One way to test if the property has is to measure the width of the wall. The bigger it is, the more likely it uses cavity walls.

The purpose of this wall is to enhance thermal insulation, but it may also increase the risk of moisture. It leaves the wall feeling damp and raises the odds of mould and mildew.

Old properties may also use a more dangerous type of insulation called asbestos. It’s a silicate material that can be harmful once it breaks down. A person can inhale the minute particles, where they lodge into the lungs.

Mesothelioma, a rare type of respiratory-related cancer, usually occurs due to inhalation of asbestos. Data suggest that at least 2,500 people are diagnosed with the disease each year in the UK. It has a high mortality rate since symptoms appear late.

The country officially banned asbestos in 1999, so homes built before this time need some checking for the material. When it has one, it’s best to let professionals deal with it.

3. Electricity

For sale sign in front of house

It was in 1881 when electricity powered some of the UK homes. Since then, it’s become part and parcel of living.

Most of the properties in the country, therefore, may already have one. It’s a matter of knowing whether it needs rewiring. Usually, the general rules are:

  • Consider rewiring when the electricity plan remains the same over the last 25 to 30 years. Homebuyers should also consider it if they’re unsure.
  • Rewiring may also be necessary if some components are already outdated. For example, the home may still use the old design for breakers. New ones already feature an overcurrent protection system.

Old English homes are beautiful, but they also need to be functional for homeowners to appreciate them genuinely. This list will hopefully help anyone kick-start the renovation.

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