Business Management from Home: Startups You Can Run Now

Businesses everywhere are forced to adapt to the new changes for workplace health and safety. Although new laws and policies are constantly changing, two facts remain constant: stay home and stay away from people. Knowing this, modern entrepreneurs have to invest in a business that thrives in a smaller scope and setting.

Everyone has spent the majority of their time at home. And doing so opens up doors that can lead to possibilities and opportunities—even a prime location for a startup.

Craft brewery

In 2019, 8,275 craft breweries were operating in the U.S.—up from 7,346 in 2018. More and more Americans are turning their love of beer into a steady flow of income. The desire for locally made, handcrafted items led to consumers looking for that personal touch in their beer. A successful brewery tends to attract loyal and devoted aficionados who would practically advertise your product for you.

Starting a home brewery requires a significant investment both in capital and time. But it is a fulfilling endeavor that rewards creativity and experimentation. The community is also surprisingly welcoming. They have cultivated a culture that supports each other, even sharing trade secrets and recipes to boost each other’s businesses.

Online store

The vast space of your cellar would serve as an excellent storage area for your product. Hopefully, it is wide enough that packaging can also be done there. You could set up one corner as a mini photo studio to take photos for marketing. If you plan on selling anything sensitive to temperature, you have to consider proper storage for that as well.

As for what specific product to sell, there are many options to choose from. Recycling and upcycling old clothes are trendy and ethical business ideas. Vintage fashion and vintage-inspired clothing are coming back into the mainstream cycle. It takes time, patience, and the right eye for what’s trending to find these.

There’s an audience for everything. Research the market to find a niche that suits your expertise.

Handmade craft seller

If you are an artisan who can consistently meet the demand for quality homemade products, you should try selling your unique crafts online. Startup costs are comparatively low, especially if you buy your raw materials in bulk from a reputable supplier. Explore popular websites to expand the reach of your product significantly. As long as your craft meets a high-quality standard, you’ll be making money doing what you love in no time.

woman baking

Home-based chef

These days, restaurants are closing down left and right as they find it harder and harder to justify their daily expenses. On the other hand, the top four U.S. food-delivery apps saw their revenue rise to $3 billion collectively in the second and third quarters. So, if you have a talent for the culinary arts, you could meet the public’s demand for good food while simultaneously avoiding the unsustainable costs of owning a restaurant.

It is up to you to decide what kind of food you’re confident to serve. Don’t limit yourself to cooked meals. Since food is so varied, here are two alternatives you could specialize in:

  • Baked goods. Baked goods are a guaranteed hit. Bread, donuts, and bagels for breakfast. Muffins, biscuits, and corned bread for meals. A rustic sourdough to compliment a meaty Reuben or pastrami sandwich. Finally, pastries like cookies and cake serve as a tasty dessert. If you could supply bread, you’ll never be at a loss for a market. You can specialize in a specific treat seen in the abundance of cookie shops, or you can supply a broader range. Consider learning how to bake gluten-free and sugar-free to cater to dietary and health concerns.
  • Artisan products. As previously stated, consumers love an excellent local homemade product. If you can create your own jams and preserves—chocolates, confections, any special edible treats you can imagine and conjure—then you have a great product. It is a good idea to invest in packaging as it increases the status of your product. It will also encourage consumers to give it as gifts.

Hold on, a working kitchen in the cellar? Yes, it is a viable option for people who simply do not have enough space upstairs. Consider hiring a professional contractor to transform your basement into an elegant yet functional space for your business startups.

As entrepreneurs, our business ventures may be limited these days, but that doesn’t mean that our creative ideas have to suffer as well. The space in your unused basement is a blank slate just waiting for you to turn it into the next big startup.

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