Rural vs. Urban: What Filipino Homebuyers Need to Know

For many Filipinos, the idea of living in an urban area seems more glamorous or luxurious than living somewhere rural. However, the urban lifestyle is sometimes not as magnificent as it a lot of people make it out to be. Inversely, living in a rural area may not be as quirky or fun as it looks on TV shows that romanticize the probinsya lifestyle.

Either way, there are stark differences and a few similarities between rural and urban living. If you’re trying to decide where to make your nest, here are some things that you should consider first:

Job opportunities

It is an unfortunate fact that a great volume of jobs is centered in urban areas, primarily Metro Manila, which is the main reason why these areas are densely populated. Job opportunities may be scarce in rural areas where development is more likely to lag and the growth of businesses is too slow to provide enough job opportunities to locals. There is even a significant gap in the minimum wage, another reason why a lot of job seekers flock to urban areas to work.

Moreover, the type of jobs between rural and urban areas differ significantly. Jobs in tech, science, engineering, and other knowledge-based professions are more abundant in urban areas. The majority of jobs in many rural areas are more on service, construction, agriculture, and tourism.

Rural living is best forpeople in stable careers, can work from anywhere, or have stable businesses

Urban living is best forpeople in contractual jobs or unstable jobs, people who want a higher earning potential, highly-skilled professionals with knowledge-based degrees


gym concept

Another huge difference between rural and urban living is the lifestyle itself. Rural living tends to be slower, quieter, and generally less stressful than urban life. In contrast, urban living is faster-paced, more stressful, and on the brighter side, more exciting. The people are also different. In rural areas, you’re more likely to be on a first-name basis with almost everyone in the community. When you’re in the city, it’s an “everyone for themselves” kind of environment, but there is still a lot of friendly people, too, perhaps just not as many as in a small town.

Aspiring homeowners who want a mix of both lifestyles opt for houses in suburban areas, and so look for affordable houses for sale in places with a mix of rural and urban vibe.

Rural living is best forpeople who want a quieter life, city dwellers who want to escape from the rat race in the city, retirees who want a more relaxed environment

Urban living is best forpeople who thrive in fast-paced, high-stakes environments, people who want excitement in their lives, young professionals who want to experience the city life before settling down

Health and safety

It is a well-known fact that urban living is unhealthier than rural living, and there are a lot of things that make it so, including pollution, stress, unhealthy food choices, and the lack of green space. There is also the matter of safety since big cities tend to have higher crime rates than rural towns, and people who live in Metro Manila are well-aware of that fact.

Rural living, on the other hand, is oftentimes better for one’s physical, mental, and emotional health. For one, there is less pollution in rural areas due to fewer emissions. There are also fewer unhealthy food choices and more fresh produce and meat. And while crime exists in rural places, there tends to be less of it, making them significantly safer than urban areas.

Rural living is best forpeople with compromised immune systems, families who want to lead a healthier lifestyle, people who want more exposure to nature

Urban living is best forpeople who can manage stress well, have good mental states and are able to stay healthy despite their surroundings


The farther a home is from an urban area, the cheaper the price tag becomes. The same is true for the cost of goods and services. While urban areas may provide higher-paying jobs, the cost of living is more expensive, and vice versa.

Rural living is best forpeople who want to save money and can live simplistic lifestyles, home buyers looking for a cheaper property, investors who want a low-capital venture (real estate or business)

Urban living is best forpeople earning enough income to support their urban lifestyle, home buyers or investors looking for a high-capital, high-ROI

Buying a home is a huge financial undertaking, so before you start shopping for a home, consider these factors if you’re trying to decide between a rural and urban property.

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